Hi there,
I am using Dynamics CRM Online and we have several applications that need to consume data from Dataverse. Some of them are on premise, some on cloud. And some new consumer applications may come in the future.
My question/ point for discussion is, how would you approach this architecturally?
1) each consumer will write its own code to get the data it needs, or
2) create a central, 'proxy' application to expose all data needed, for all the consumer applications
3) other?
Second question/ point for discussion. I assume web api is the way to go (let me know if not). How would you design the exposed operations for solution (2).
1) The simplest approach is to code each operation separately, or
2) Somehow parametrically define the queries and then dynamically construct the web api calls and expose all operations in a common interface.
Third question, supposing solution (2) is a C# application, how/where would you deploy this?
I would highly appreciate your thoughts and experiences on the above.