RE: If a field changes on the existing parent record how can I get that new value to show on the existing child record
Thanks for for the response Andrew! Thats pretty much what i did, but it wasnt working me, until i slapped myself on the head for missing something so simple. I was looking to create a filter for a lookup field. A lookup field needs the "value = {GUID}". I just needed to add a step to get the GUID, and then pass that to the FethXML filter query. All good now.
One last question, if a may. Im looking to perform the following (is possible):
This involves 4 entities, lets call them E1, E2, E3 and E4.
E4 has a lookup field to E1 and E2. E3 has a look up field to all 3 (E1, E2 and E4). I wish to have a workflow on the E3 entity (upon record creation) that would update the E4 lookup field, based on whats in E1 and E2. In may case, its always only going to match a single E4 record. For example, lets assume that the E1 record is called "E1 record" and so on for the rest. Im only going to have a single E4 record if querying the E4 entity for "E1Lookup_Field = 'E1 Record" and "E2_Looup_Field = E2 record"
If the question is clear enough, is this achievable with UWT?
Meant to include:
I get it working to the point of retrieving the correct GUID of the record i wish to locate, but im not sure how to set the lookup field. Im trying the "Set Lookup from FetchXml Query", the WF is successful, but its not doing anything