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Supply chain | Supply Chain Management, Commerce

'The state of the source document or source document line could not be updated.'

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HI All,
I am trying to create pending vendor invoices via x++.
Below is my code:
/// <summary>/// This class contains core logic to create pending vendor invoices, depending upon the results of pre-requisite validations being done./// Added by Nishath Salman > SCM-06 IN - PO invoice interface./// </summary>class CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN{    // Table declarations    static VendInvoiceInfoTable            vendInvoiceInfoTable;    static VendInvoiceInfoSubTable         vendInvoiceInfoSubTable;    static VendInvoiceInfoLine             vendInvoiceInfoLine;    static VendPackingSlipTrans            vendPackingSlipTrans;    static VendInvoiceInfoSubLine          vendInvoiceInfoSubLine;    static CNLInterfaceLog                 poInvoiceInterfaceLog;    static PurchLine                       purchLine;    static PurchTable                      purchTable;    static VendTable                       vendTable;    static CNLPurchaseInvoice              cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine;    static CnlUnitPriceDiscrepancy         cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy;    static CNLFAORLIItemTax                cnlFAOrliItemTax;    static DMFExecutionId                  jobExecId;    // Variables Desclaration    static Notes                           errorMessage;    static TaxAmountCur                    taxAmountCur;    static boolean                         isPOInvoiceCanBeProcessed,isListInitialized;       static int                             lastAttemptCnt;    static boolean                         isProductReceiptRequired;    // Query(s) declaration & initialization    static Query                           qry = new Query();    static QueryRun                        qryRun;    static QueryBuildDataSource            qbds;    static QueryBuildRange                 qbr,qbrRecordType,qbrParentGUID;    // Record insert list declaration & initialization    static RecordInsertList                pendingVendInvList = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(VendInvoiceInfoLine),false);    static RecordInsertList                pendingVendInfoSubLineList = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(VendInvoiceInfoSubLine));    static RecordInsertList                poInvoiceInterfaceLogList = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(CNLInterfaceLog));    static RecordInsertList                poInvoiceInterfaceLogMainList = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(CNLInterfaceLog));    static RecordInsertList                poUnitPricDiscrepancyList = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(CnlUnitPriceDiscrepancy));    // Query(s) declaration & initialization    static  Query                           query = new Query(queryStr(CNLPurchaseInvoiceQry));    static  QueryRun                        queryrun;    static  QueryBuildDataSource            qbdsList;    static  QueryBuildRange                 qbrList;    // Variable declarations    static  VendInvoiceAccount              vendAcc;    static  anytype                         preReqValidationType,isPendingVendInvProcessed;    static  boolean                         typeBool;    static  InvoiceId                       invoiceNumber;    static  InvoiceDate                     invoiceDate,postingDate,invoiceReceivedDate;    // Record insert list declaration & initialization    static  RecordInsertList                insertList,typeList;        /// <summary>    /// Create an instance of <class>CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN</class>    /// </summary>    /// <returns>An initialized instance of class <CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN> </returns>    public static CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN construct()    {        CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN poInvInterface = new CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN();        return poInvInterface;    }    /// <summary>    /// Creating pending venor header / lines    /// </summary>    /// <param name = /_contract/></param>    public void createPendingInvoice(CNLHEROPOInvContract _contract)    {        // List declaration        List                            sourceTypeList;        // Tables declaration        CNLPurchaseInvoice              cnlPurchInvoice,cnlPurchInvStatusUpdate,cnlPurchInvData;        // top picking the locked records is disabled for now        //cnlPurchInvoicePessimisticLock.readPast(true);        qbdsList = query.dataSourceTable(tableNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice));        qbrList  = qbdsList.addRange(fieldNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice,Source));        str rangeValue;        // List iteration for the multi lookup filter        sourceTypeList = _contract.parmSourceType();        if (sourceTypeList  &&  !sourceTypeList.empty())        {            ListEnumerator  listEnumerator;            listEnumerator = sourceTypeList.getEnumerator();            while (listEnumerator.moveNext())            {                rangeValue = queryRangeConcat(rangeValue, listEnumerator.current());            }        }        if(rangeValue)        {            qbrList.value(rangeValue);        }        queryrun = new QueryRun(query);        while (        {            cnlPurchInvoice = queryrun.get(tableNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice));            // Get whole data from CNLPurchaseInvoice to overcome group by restrictions            select cnlPurchInvData                where cnlPurchInvData.InvoiceNumber == cnlPurchInvoice.InvoiceNumber                    && cnlPurchInvData.RecordType == CNLHeroPurchaseInvoiceRecordType::Header;            isListInitialized = true;            // Get the last process attempts count            lastAttemptCnt += CNLPurchaseInvoice::getLastCount(cnlPurchInvData);            // Initialize Job Execution ID            jobExecId = cnlPurchInvData.JobExecutionId;            // Ensure If the current Purchase Invoice is not ended in error in an earlier Batch execution, If yes then the process             // attempts counts are less than or equal to the count specified in the Chanel interface parameters setup            if (cnlPurchInvData.Attempts <= CNLInterfaceParameter::find().Attempts)            {                if (CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfacePreReqValidation::construct().validateWorkingTableRec(cnlPurchInvData))                {                    // Initialize default fields                    CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN::construct().initializeKeyFields(cnlPurchInvData);                    // Create pending vendor invoice Header / Lines                    CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN::construct().createPendingVendHeaderLines(cnlPurchInvData);                    // Update processed                    update_recordset cnlPurchInvStatusUpdate                                setting ProcessingStatus = CNLHeroProcessingStatus::Processed                                    where cnlPurchInvStatusUpdate.InvoiceNumber == cnlPurchInvData.InvoiceNumber;                                    }            }        }        // Check if the log list is not empty, if yes commit the exception logs to the database        if (isListInitialized)        {            poInvoiceInterfaceLogList.insertDatabase();        }        //Ensure to mark all the orphan header records as error for the current Job Execution ID if there are any        if (jobExecId)        {            CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfacePreReqValidation::construct().updateOrphanHeader(jobExecId);        }    }    /// <summary>    /// To initialize all the key fields required for pending vendor invoice creation    /// </summary>    public void initializeKeyFields(CNLPurchaseInvoice   _purchInvoiceVendAcc)    {        // Vendor account identification        PurchTable purchInvoiceVendAcc;        select firstonly InvoiceAccount from purchInvoiceVendAcc                where purchInvoiceVendAcc.VendorRef == _purchInvoiceVendAcc.VendorReference;        vendAcc = purchInvoiceVendAcc.InvoiceAccount;        // Invoice number        invoiceNumber = _purchInvoiceVendAcc.InvoiceNumber;        // Invoice date        invoiceDate = _purchInvoiceVendAcc.InvoiceDate;        // Posting date        postingDate = _purchInvoiceVendAcc.InvoiceDate;        // Invoice received date        invoiceReceivedDate = DateTimeUtil::date(DateTimeUtil::utcNow());    }    /// <summary>    /// Creates and manages both Pending vendor invoice Headers / Lines    /// </summary>    /// <param name = /_cnlPurchPendVendInv/></param>    public void createPendingVendHeaderLines(CNLPurchaseInvoice  _cnlPurchPendVendInv)    {        // Purchase order        select firstonly purchTable                where purchTable.PurchId == _cnlPurchPendVendInv.PurchaseOrderNumber;        // Vendor        vendTable = VendTable::find(vendAcc,false);        ttsbegin;        try        {            // Insert  pending vendor invoice header            CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN::construct().createPendingVendInvHeader(purchTable);                        //TODO::Need to cater below dates as those would have calculated fields            //Due date            //Purchase order            //Product receipt            // Loop purch line to create pending vendor invoice lines            CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN::construct().createPendingVendInvLines(_cnlPurchPendVendInv);        }        catch (Exception::Error)        {            // Update the process attempt count            CNLPurchaseInvoice::updateAttempts(_cnlPurchPendVendInv,lastAttemptCnt);            // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.            poInvoiceInterfaceLogList.add(CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceLog::createPurchaseInvoiceLog(_cnlPurchPendVendInv,CNLHEROLogExceptions::getErrorMessage()));            ttsabort;        }        catch (Exception::Info)        {            // Update the process attempt count            CNLPurchaseInvoice::updateAttempts(_cnlPurchPendVendInv,lastAttemptCnt);            // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.            poInvoiceInterfaceLogList.add(CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceLog::createPurchaseInvoiceLog(_cnlPurchPendVendInv,CNLHEROLogExceptions::getErrorMessage()));            ttsabort;        }        catch (Exception::CLRError)        {            // Update the process attempt count            CNLPurchaseInvoice::updateAttempts(_cnlPurchPendVendInv,lastAttemptCnt);            // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.            poInvoiceInterfaceLogList.add(CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceLog::createPurchaseInvoiceLog(_cnlPurchPendVendInv,CNLHEROLogExceptions::getErrorMessage()));            ttsabort;        }        ttscommit;    }    /// <summary>    /// To allocate ORLI charges based Purchase Interface ORLI charges parameters    /// </summary>    /// <param name = /_vendInvInfoTable/></param>    public void allocateORLIcharges(Common _vendInvInfoTable)    {        MarkupAllocation    markupAllocation;        markupAllocation    = MarkupAllocation::newMarkupAllocation(_vendInvInfoTable);        CNLInterfaceParameter   interfaceParameter = CNLInterfaceParameter::find();        markupAllocation.parmAllocateAfter(interfaceParameter.ChargesAllocation);        markupAllocation.parmAllocateOn(interfaceParameter.AllocateChargesToLines);        markupAllocation.parmAllocateAll(interfaceParameter.AllocateAll);        markupAllocation.runOperation();    }    /// <summary>    /// To create records in <table>VendInvoiceInfoTable</table>    /// </summary>    /// <param name = /_purchTable/></param>    public void createPendingVendInvHeader(PurchTable _purchTable)    {        vendInvoiceInfoTable.clear();        vendInvoiceInfoTable.initValue();        vendInvoiceInfoTable.initFromPurchTable(_purchTable);        vendInvoiceInfoTable.Num            = invoiceNumber;        vendInvoiceInfoTable.DocumentDate   = invoiceDate;        vendInvoiceInfoTable.TransDate      = invoiceDate;        vendInvoiceInfoTable.ReceivedDate   = invoiceReceivedDate;        vendInvoiceInfoTable.VendorVATDate  = invoiceDate;        vendInvoiceInfoTable.DocumentOrigin = DocumentOrigin::Manual;    }    /// <summary>    /// To create records in <table>VendInvoiceInfoLines</table>    /// </summary>    /// <param name = /_cnlPurchInvoice/></param>    public void createPendingVendInvLines(CNLPurchaseInvoice _cnlPurchInvoice)    {        qbds            = qry.addDataSource(tableNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice));        qbr             = qbds.addRange(fieldNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice,InvoiceNumber));        qbrRecordType   = qbds.addRange(fieldNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice,RecordType));        qbrParentGUID   = qbds.addRange(fieldNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice,ParentGuild));        qbr.value(queryValue(_cnlPurchInvoice.InvoiceNumber));        qbrRecordType.value(queryValue(CNLHeroPurchaseInvoiceRecordType::Line));        qbrParentGUID.value(queryValue(_cnlPurchInvoice.GUIDValue));        qryRun = new QueryRun(qry);        while (        {            cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine = qryRun.get(tableNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice));                            //TODO::Need to check with functional on purchline selection if two lines with same Item Id but with different varint IDs            select firstonly purchLine                    where purchLine.PurchId == purchTable.PurchId                        && purchLine.ItemId == cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.ItemNumber;            // Validate Release Products            if (!EcoResProduct::find(InventTable::find(purchLine.ItemId,false).Product,false).RecId)            {                errorMessage = strFmt('@CNLHeroModelLabel:SCM06_000050',purchLine.ItemId,_cnlPurchInvoice.InvoiceNumber);                // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.                poInvoiceInterfaceLogList.add(CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceLog::createPurchaseInvoiceLog(_cnlPurchInvoice,errorMessage));                ttsabort;            }            // Update imported sals tax amount if PO invoice lines total calculated tax amount is > 0            if (Tax::calcTaxAmount(purchLine.TaxGroup, purchLine.TaxItemGroup, Systemdateget(), purchLine.CurrencyCode, purchLine.LineAmount, TaxModuleType::Purch) > 0)            {                taxAmountCur += cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.ImportedTaxAmount;            }                            //// Initialize Vend packing slip trans            //// Line level validations            //select firstonly vendPackingSlipTrans            //        where vendPackingSlipTrans.PackingSlipId == cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.ProductReceiptNumber            //            && vendPackingSlipTrans.OrigPurchid == purchTable.PurchId            //            && vendPackingSlipTrans.ItemId == cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.ItemNumber            //            && vendPackingSlipTrans.LineNum == cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.ExternalLineNumber;            //if (!vendPackingSlipTrans) // If no matching records found in VendPackingSLipTrans            //{            //    errorMessage = strFmt('@CNLHeroModelLabel:SCM06_000043',purchTable.PurchId);            //    // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.            //    poInvoiceInterfaceLogList.add(CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceLog::createPurchaseInvoiceLog(_cnlPurchInvoice,errorMessage));            //    ttsabort;            //}            if (cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.InvoicedQty > purchLine.PurchQty) // If InvoiceQty > PurchLine's Purch Qty            {                errorMessage += strFmt('@CNLHeroModelLabel:SCM06_000045',purchTable.purchId);                // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.                poInvoiceInterfaceLogList.add(CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceLog::createPurchaseInvoiceLog(_cnlPurchInvoice,errorMessage));                ttsabort;            }            else // The current record from working table <CNLPurchaseInvoice> is fully qualified for further processing            {                vendInvoiceInfoLine.initValue();                vendInvoiceInfoLine.initFromPurchLine(purchLine);                vendInvoiceInfoLine.OrigPurchId     = purchLine.PurchId;                vendInvoiceInfoLine.ItemId          = purchLine.ItemId;                vendInvoiceInfoLine.currencyCode    = purchLine.CurrencyCode;                vendInvoiceInfoLine.InventNow       = purchLine.PurchQty;                vendInvoiceInfoLine.PurchUnit       = purchLine.PurchUnit;                vendInvoiceInfoLine.LineDisc        = purchLine.LineDisc;                vendInvoiceInfoLine.LinePercent     = purchLine.LinePercent;                vendInvoiceInfoLine.LineAmount      = purchLine.LineAmount;                vendInvoiceInfoLine.LineNum         = cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.ExternalLineNumber;                vendInvoiceInfoLine.CNLMadeIn       = cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.MadeIn;                vendInvoiceInfoLine.DocumentOrigin  = DocumentOrigin::Manual;                // ORLI fiscal representative                cnlFAOrliItemTax    = CNLFAORLIItemTax::find(cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.ORLIFiscalRepresentative);                if (cnlFAOrliItemTax.RecId)                {                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.OrderAccount    = cnlFAOrliItemTax.VendAccount;                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.TaxGroup        = cnlFAOrliItemTax.SalesTaxGroup;                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.TaxItemGroup    = cnlFAOrliItemTax.ItemTaxGroup;                }                else                {                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.OrderAccount    = vendInvoiceInfoTable.OrderAccount;                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.TaxGroup        = purchLine.TaxGroup;                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.TaxItemGroup    = purchLine.TaxItemGroup;                }                                pendingVendInvList.add(vendInvoiceInfoLine);                // Insert vendor invoice info sub line                CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN::construct().createVendInvoiceInfoSubLine(vendInvoiceInfoLine,vendPackingSlipTrans);                // Update unit price discrepancy                if (cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.PriceUnit != purchLine.PurchPrice    &&                        CNLInterfaceParameter::find().UpdateUnitPrice == NoYes::Yes)                {                    PurchLine::updatePurchUnitPrcDicrepancy(purchLine.RecId,cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.PriceUnit);                    // Insert unit price discrepancy into table <CNLUnitPriceDiscrepancy> for auditing                    CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN::construct().createUnitPriceDiscrepancy(cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine,purchLine);                }                // Allocate ORLI charges                if (cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.InvoiceCharges > 0   &&                    cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.Source == CNLHEROSourceSystem::ORLI)                {                    CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN::construct().allocateORLIcharges(vendInvoiceInfoTable);                }            }        }        if (!errorMessage)        {            // Update Imported sales tax amount            vendInvoiceInfoTable.ImportedSalesTax = taxAmountCur;            vendInvoiceInfoTable.insert();            // Insert vendor invoice info sub table            vendInvoiceInfoSubTable::createFromVendInvoiceInfoTable(vendInvoiceInfoTable,false);            pendingVendInvList.insertDatabase();            pendingVendInfoSubLineList.insertDatabase();            poUnitPricDiscrepancyList.insertDatabase();            // Submit to Workflow            CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN::construct().submitWorkFlow(vendInvoiceInfoTable,_cnlPurchInvoice);        }    }    /// <summary>    /// To create records in <table>VendInvoiceInfoSubLine</table>    /// </summary>    /// <param name = /_vendInvoiceInfoLine/></param>    /// <param name = /_vendPackingSlipTrans/></param>    public void createVendInvoiceInfoSubLine(VendInvoiceInfoLine     _vendInvoiceInfoLine,                                                    VendPackingSlipTrans    _vendPackingSlipTrans)    {        vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.clear();        vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.initValue();        vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.defaultRow();        vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.ParmId       = _vendInvoiceInfoLine.ParmId;        vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.LineRefRecId = _vendInvoiceInfoLine.RecId;        vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.ReceiveNow           = _vendPackingSlipTrans.Qty;        vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.InventNow            = _vendPackingSlipTrans.Qty;        vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.JournalRefRecId      = _vendPackingSlipTrans.RecId;        vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.JournalRefTableId    = _vendPackingSlipTrans.TableId;        vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.DocumentId           = _vendPackingSlipTrans.PackingSlipId;        pendingVendInfoSubLineList.add(vendInvoiceInfoSubLine);    }    /// <summary>    /// To create records in <table>CNLUnitPriceDiscrepancy</table>    /// </summary>    /// <param name = /_cnlPurchInv/></param>    /// <param name = /_purchLine/></param>    public void createUnitPriceDiscrepancy(CNLPurchaseInvoice    _cnlPurchInv,                                                  PurchLine             _purchLine)    {        cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.Source                =   _cnlPurchInv.Source;        cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.GuidId                =   _cnlPurchInv.GuidId;        cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.InvoiceNumber         =   _cnlPurchInv.InvoiceNumber;        cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.PriceUnit             =   _cnlPurchInv.PriceUnit;        cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.PurchaseOrderNumber   =   _cnlPurchInv.PurchaseOrderNumber;        cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.POLineNumber          =   _purchLine.LineNumber;        cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.InitialPOUnitPrice    =   _purchLine.PriceUnit;        cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.UpdatedPOUnitPrice    =   _cnlPurchInv.PriceUnit;        cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.UpdateStatus          =   CNLInterfaceParameter::find().UpdateUnitPrice;        if (PurchTable::find(_cnlPurchInv.PurchaseOrderNumber,false).InterCompanySalesId)        {            cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.RelatedSalesOrderNumber = PurchTable::find(_cnlPurchInv.PurchaseOrderNumber,false).InterCompanySalesId;        }        poUnitPricDiscrepancyList.add(cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy);    }    public void submitWorkFlow(VendInvoiceInfoTable _vendInvoiceInfoTable,CNLPurchaseInvoice _cnlPurchInvoiceWF)    {        WorkflowComment      workflowComment;        TradeLineRefId       headerReference;        VendInvoiceInfoTable vendInvoiceInfoTbl;             headerReference = _vendInvoiceInfoTable.TableRefId;        workflowComment = /@CNLHeroModelLabel:SCM06_000055/;        vendInvoiceInfoTbl = VendInvoiceInfoTable::findTableRefId(headerReference);         if (vendInvoiceInfoTbl)        {            try            {                VendInvoiceHeaderWorkflow::submitToWorkflow(vendInvoiceInfoTbl, workflowComment);            }            catch (Exception::CLRError)            {                // Update the process attempt count                CNLPurchaseInvoice::updateAttempts(_cnlPurchInvoiceWF,lastAttemptCnt);                // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.                poInvoiceInterfaceLogList.add(CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceLog::createPurchaseInvoiceLog(_cnlPurchInvoiceWF,CNLHEROLogExceptions::getErrorMessage()));                ttsabort;            }            catch (Exception::Error)            {                // Update the process attempt count                CNLPurchaseInvoice::updateAttempts(_cnlPurchInvoiceWF,lastAttemptCnt);                // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.                poInvoiceInterfaceLogList.add(CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceLog::createPurchaseInvoiceLog(_cnlPurchInvoiceWF,CNLHEROLogExceptions::getErrorMessage()));                ttsabort;            }            catch (Exception::Info)            {                // Update the process attempt count                CNLPurchaseInvoice::updateAttempts(_cnlPurchInvoiceWF,lastAttemptCnt);                // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.                poInvoiceInterfaceLogList.add(CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceLog::createPurchaseInvoiceLog(_cnlPurchInvoiceWF,CNLHEROLogExceptions::getErrorMessage()));                ttsabort;            }        }    }}
I am getting the error in method /createPendingVendInvLines/
at - Line :
if (!errorMessage)
            // Update Imported sales tax amount
            vendInvoiceInfoTable.ImportedSalesTax = taxAmountCur;
            // Insert vendor invoice info sub table
            pendingVendInvList.insertDatabase();  // This is where I am getting error (Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.ErrorException: 'The state of the source document or source document line could not be updated.')
            // Submit to Workflow
Can someone please tell me what am I doing wrong here?
  • Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 20 on at
    'The state of the source document or source document line could not be updated.'
    HI Martin,
    Thanks for your help
    The issue is resolved.
    The issue was with ParmId & TabledRefId not initialized in VendInvoiceInfoLine.
    After initializing those two fields with VendInvoiceInfoTable it has got resolved.
    And to initialize those two fields in VendInvoiceInfoTable I have used below piece of code
    vendInvoiceInfoTable.ParmId                 = formletterParmData::getNewParmId();
            vendInvoiceInfoTable.TableRefId             = formletterParmData::getNewTableRefId();
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 231,401 Most Valuable Professional on at
    'The state of the source document or source document line could not be updated.'
    Good, you confirmed that the error is thrown there, therefore it's a good place to start your debugging and identify why the error is thrown. You mentioned
    that "it is not creating data in SourcedocumentLine"m but I don't know what you mean by that. You'll need to be much more specific.
    We can't do the debugging for you because we don't have your database.
  • Verified answer
    Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 20 on at
    'The state of the source document or source document line could not be updated.'
    HI Martin,
    I have debugged the class that you have suggested
    CanTransition method is getting failed and the error part is throwing the error.
    it is not creating data in SourcedocumentLine
    Can you please suggest what is going wrong here?
    Am I not initializing and important or related fields in VendInvoiceInfoLine to SourcedocumentLine ?
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 231,401 Most Valuable Professional on at
    'The state of the source document or source document line could not be updated.'
    Yes, I saw it in the original question and I was even referring to it in my last reply ("you have a problem with inserting vendInvoiceInfoLine and your code
    never reaches inserts of pendingVendInfoSubLineList and poUnitPricDiscrepancyList")
  • Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 20 on at
    'The state of the source document or source document line could not be updated.'
    Hi Martin,
    Below is the highlighted line where the error is being thrown
    if (!errorMessage)
                // Update Imported sales tax amount
                vendInvoiceInfoTable.ImportedSalesTax = taxAmountCur;
                // Insert vendor invoice info sub table
                pendingVendInvList.insertDatabase();  // This is where I am getting error (Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.ErrorException: 'The state of the source document or source document line could not be updated.')
                // Submit to Workflow
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 231,401 Most Valuable Professional on at
    'The state of the source document or source document line could not be updated.'
    Are you sure that all the code is necessary to reproduce the problem? Can't you simplify it by throwing away unnecessary logic? For example, you have a problem with inserting vendInvoiceInfoLine and your code never reaches inserts of pendingVendInfoSubLineList and poUnitPricDiscrepancyList, therefore all code related to them seems irrelevant to your case.
    Then use the debugger to find out where exactly the error is thrown and what data you're inserting. Maybe this will allow you to understand and fix the problem, or you'll at least be able to create a much simpler test case (likely inserting a single record). If you find the label, you'll see it's used at a single place only (SourceDocumentStateBase.transition()), therefore you can put a breakpoint there (make sure you've enabled debugging of SourceDocumentation module).
    By the way, making all the fields static is extremely suspicious. I consider it a bug.
    Note that there is no need to abort a transaction in a catch block of an error, because the transaction is aborted automatically when the exception is thrown.
  • Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 20 on at
    'The state of the source document or source document line could not be updated.'
    HI Martin,
    I have posted it again. Please provide me your suggestion
  • Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 20 on at
    'The state of the source document or source document line could not be updated.'
    /// <summary>
    /// This class contains core logic to create pending vendor invoices, depending upon the results of pre-requisite validations being done.
    /// Added by Nishath Salman > SCM-06 IN - PO invoice interface.
    /// </summary>
    class CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN
        // Table declarations
        static VendInvoiceInfoTable            vendInvoiceInfoTable;
        static VendInvoiceInfoSubTable         vendInvoiceInfoSubTable;
        static VendInvoiceInfoLine             vendInvoiceInfoLine;
        static VendPackingSlipTrans            vendPackingSlipTrans;
        static VendInvoiceInfoSubLine          vendInvoiceInfoSubLine;
        static CNLInterfaceLog                 poInvoiceInterfaceLog;
        static PurchLine                       purchLine;
        static PurchTable                      purchTable;
        static VendTable                       vendTable;
        static CNLPurchaseInvoice              cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine;
        static CnlUnitPriceDiscrepancy         cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy;
        static CNLFAORLIItemTax                cnlFAOrliItemTax;
        static DMFExecutionId                  jobExecId;
        // Variables Desclaration
        static Notes                           errorMessage;
        static TaxAmountCur                    taxAmountCur;
        static boolean                         isPOInvoiceCanBeProcessed,isListInitialized;   
        static int                             lastAttemptCnt;
        static boolean                         isProductReceiptRequired;
        // Query(s) declaration & initialization
        static Query                           qry = new Query();
        static QueryRun                        qryRun;
        static QueryBuildDataSource            qbds;
        static QueryBuildRange                 qbr,qbrRecordType,qbrParentGUID;
        // Record insert list declaration & initialization
        static RecordInsertList                pendingVendInvList = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(VendInvoiceInfoLine),false);
        static RecordInsertList                pendingVendInfoSubLineList = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(VendInvoiceInfoSubLine));
        static RecordInsertList                poInvoiceInterfaceLogList = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(CNLInterfaceLog));
        static RecordInsertList                poInvoiceInterfaceLogMainList = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(CNLInterfaceLog));
        static RecordInsertList                poUnitPricDiscrepancyList = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(CnlUnitPriceDiscrepancy));
        // Query(s) declaration & initialization
        static  Query                           query = new Query(queryStr(CNLPurchaseInvoiceQry));
        static  QueryRun                        queryrun;
        static  QueryBuildDataSource            qbdsList;
        static  QueryBuildRange                 qbrList;
        // Variable declarations
        static  VendInvoiceAccount              vendAcc;
        static  anytype                         preReqValidationType,isPendingVendInvProcessed;
        static  boolean                         typeBool;
        static  InvoiceId                       invoiceNumber;
        static  InvoiceDate                     invoiceDate,postingDate,invoiceReceivedDate;
        // Record insert list declaration & initialization
        static  RecordInsertList                insertList,typeList;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an instance of <class>CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN</class>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An initialized instance of class <CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN> </returns>
        public static CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN construct()
            CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN poInvInterface = new CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceIN();
            return poInvInterface;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creating pending venor header / lines
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "_contract"></param>
        public void createPendingInvoice(CNLHEROPOInvContract _contract)
            // List declaration
            List                            sourceTypeList;
            // Tables declaration
            CNLPurchaseInvoice              cnlPurchInvoice,cnlPurchInvStatusUpdate,cnlPurchInvData;
            // top picking the locked records is disabled for now
            qbdsList = query.dataSourceTable(tableNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice));
            qbrList  = qbdsList.addRange(fieldNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice,Source));
            str rangeValue;
            // List iteration for the multi lookup filter
            sourceTypeList = _contract.parmSourceType();
            if (sourceTypeList  &&  !sourceTypeList.empty())
                ListEnumerator  listEnumerator;
                listEnumerator = sourceTypeList.getEnumerator();
                while (listEnumerator.moveNext())
                    rangeValue = queryRangeConcat(rangeValue, listEnumerator.current());
            queryrun = new QueryRun(query);
            while (
                cnlPurchInvoice = queryrun.get(tableNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice));
                // Get whole data from CNLPurchaseInvoice to overcome group by restrictions
                select cnlPurchInvData
                    where cnlPurchInvData.InvoiceNumber == cnlPurchInvoice.InvoiceNumber
                        && cnlPurchInvData.RecordType == CNLHeroPurchaseInvoiceRecordType::Header;
                isListInitialized = true;
                // Get the last process attempts count
                lastAttemptCnt += CNLPurchaseInvoice::getLastCount(cnlPurchInvData);
                // Initialize Job Execution ID
                jobExecId = cnlPurchInvData.JobExecutionId;
                // Ensure If the current Purchase Invoice is not ended in error in an earlier Batch execution, If yes then the process 
                // attempts counts are less than or equal to the count specified in the Chanel interface parameters setup
                if (cnlPurchInvData.Attempts <= CNLInterfaceParameter::find().Attempts)
                    if (CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfacePreReqValidation::construct().validateWorkingTableRec(cnlPurchInvData))
                        // Initialize default fields
                        // Create pending vendor invoice Header / Lines
                        // Update processed
                        update_recordset cnlPurchInvStatusUpdate
                                    setting ProcessingStatus = CNLHeroProcessingStatus::Processed
                                        where cnlPurchInvStatusUpdate.InvoiceNumber == cnlPurchInvData.InvoiceNumber;
            // Check if the log list is not empty, if yes commit the exception logs to the database
            if (isListInitialized)
            //Ensure to mark all the orphan header records as error for the current Job Execution ID if there are any
            if (jobExecId)
        /// <summary>
        /// To initialize all the key fields required for pending vendor invoice creation
        /// </summary>
        public void initializeKeyFields(CNLPurchaseInvoice   _purchInvoiceVendAcc)
            // Vendor account identification
            PurchTable purchInvoiceVendAcc;
            select firstonly InvoiceAccount from purchInvoiceVendAcc
                    where purchInvoiceVendAcc.VendorRef == _purchInvoiceVendAcc.VendorReference;
            vendAcc = purchInvoiceVendAcc.InvoiceAccount;
            // Invoice number
            invoiceNumber = _purchInvoiceVendAcc.InvoiceNumber;
            // Invoice date
            invoiceDate = _purchInvoiceVendAcc.InvoiceDate;
            // Posting date
            postingDate = _purchInvoiceVendAcc.InvoiceDate;
            // Invoice received date
            invoiceReceivedDate = DateTimeUtil::date(DateTimeUtil::utcNow());
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and manages both Pending vendor invoice Headers / Lines
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "_cnlPurchPendVendInv"></param>
        public void createPendingVendHeaderLines(CNLPurchaseInvoice  _cnlPurchPendVendInv)
            // Purchase order
            select firstonly purchTable
                    where purchTable.PurchId == _cnlPurchPendVendInv.PurchaseOrderNumber;
            // Vendor
            vendTable = VendTable::find(vendAcc,false);
                // Insert  pending vendor invoice header
                //TODO::Need to cater below dates as those would have calculated fields
                //Due date
                //Purchase order
                //Product receipt
                // Loop purch line to create pending vendor invoice lines
            catch (Exception::Error)
                // Update the process attempt count
                // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.
            catch (Exception::Info)
                // Update the process attempt count
                // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.
            catch (Exception::CLRError)
                // Update the process attempt count
                // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.
        /// <summary>
        /// To allocate ORLI charges based Purchase Interface ORLI charges parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "_vendInvInfoTable"></param>
        public void allocateORLIcharges(Common _vendInvInfoTable)
            MarkupAllocation    markupAllocation;
            markupAllocation    = MarkupAllocation::newMarkupAllocation(_vendInvInfoTable);
            CNLInterfaceParameter   interfaceParameter = CNLInterfaceParameter::find();
        /// <summary>
        /// To create records in <table>VendInvoiceInfoTable</table>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "_purchTable"></param>
        public void createPendingVendInvHeader(PurchTable _purchTable)
            vendInvoiceInfoTable.Num            = invoiceNumber;
            vendInvoiceInfoTable.DocumentDate   = invoiceDate;
            vendInvoiceInfoTable.TransDate      = invoiceDate;
            vendInvoiceInfoTable.ReceivedDate   = invoiceReceivedDate;
            vendInvoiceInfoTable.VendorVATDate  = invoiceDate;
            vendInvoiceInfoTable.DocumentOrigin = DocumentOrigin::Manual;
        /// <summary>
        /// To create records in <table>VendInvoiceInfoLines</table>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "_cnlPurchInvoice"></param>
        public void createPendingVendInvLines(CNLPurchaseInvoice _cnlPurchInvoice)
            qbds            = qry.addDataSource(tableNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice));
            qbr             = qbds.addRange(fieldNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice,InvoiceNumber));
            qbrRecordType   = qbds.addRange(fieldNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice,RecordType));
            qbrParentGUID   = qbds.addRange(fieldNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice,ParentGuild));
            qryRun = new QueryRun(qry);
            while (
                cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine = qryRun.get(tableNum(CNLPurchaseInvoice));
                //TODO::Need to check with functional on purchline selection if two lines with same Item Id but with different varint IDs
                select firstonly purchLine
                        where purchLine.PurchId == purchTable.PurchId
                            && purchLine.ItemId == cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.ItemNumber;
                // Validate Release Products
                if (!EcoResProduct::find(InventTable::find(purchLine.ItemId,false).Product,false).RecId)
                    errorMessage = strFmt('@CNLHeroModelLabel:SCM06_000050',purchLine.ItemId,_cnlPurchInvoice.InvoiceNumber);
                    // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.
                // Update imported sals tax amount if PO invoice lines total calculated tax amount is > 0
                if (Tax::calcTaxAmount(purchLine.TaxGroup, purchLine.TaxItemGroup, Systemdateget(), purchLine.CurrencyCode, purchLine.LineAmount, TaxModuleType::Purch) > 0)
                    taxAmountCur += cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.ImportedTaxAmount;
                //// Initialize Vend packing slip trans
                //// Line level validations
                //select firstonly vendPackingSlipTrans
                //        where vendPackingSlipTrans.PackingSlipId == cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.ProductReceiptNumber
                //            && vendPackingSlipTrans.OrigPurchid == purchTable.PurchId
                //            && vendPackingSlipTrans.ItemId == cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.ItemNumber
                //            && vendPackingSlipTrans.LineNum == cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.ExternalLineNumber;
                //if (!vendPackingSlipTrans) // If no matching records found in VendPackingSLipTrans
                //    errorMessage = strFmt('@CNLHeroModelLabel:SCM06_000043',purchTable.PurchId);
                //    // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.
                //    poInvoiceInterfaceLogList.add(CNLHEROPOInvoiceInterfaceLog::createPurchaseInvoiceLog(_cnlPurchInvoice,errorMessage));
                //    ttsabort;
                if (cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.InvoicedQty > purchLine.PurchQty) // If InvoiceQty > PurchLine's Purch Qty
                    errorMessage += strFmt('@CNLHeroModelLabel:SCM06_000045',purchTable.purchId);
                    // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.
                else // The current record from working table <CNLPurchaseInvoice> is fully qualified for further processing
                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.OrigPurchId     = purchLine.PurchId;
                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.ItemId          = purchLine.ItemId;
                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.currencyCode    = purchLine.CurrencyCode;
                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.InventNow       = purchLine.PurchQty;
                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.PurchUnit       = purchLine.PurchUnit;
                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.LineDisc        = purchLine.LineDisc;
                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.LinePercent     = purchLine.LinePercent;
                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.LineAmount      = purchLine.LineAmount;
                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.LineNum         = cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.ExternalLineNumber;
                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.CNLMadeIn       = cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.MadeIn;
                    vendInvoiceInfoLine.DocumentOrigin  = DocumentOrigin::Manual;
                    // ORLI fiscal representative
                    cnlFAOrliItemTax    = CNLFAORLIItemTax::find(cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.ORLIFiscalRepresentative);
                    if (cnlFAOrliItemTax.RecId)
                        vendInvoiceInfoLine.OrderAccount    = cnlFAOrliItemTax.VendAccount;
                        vendInvoiceInfoLine.TaxGroup        = cnlFAOrliItemTax.SalesTaxGroup;
                        vendInvoiceInfoLine.TaxItemGroup    = cnlFAOrliItemTax.ItemTaxGroup;
                        vendInvoiceInfoLine.OrderAccount    = vendInvoiceInfoTable.OrderAccount;
                        vendInvoiceInfoLine.TaxGroup        = purchLine.TaxGroup;
                        vendInvoiceInfoLine.TaxItemGroup    = purchLine.TaxItemGroup;
                    // Insert vendor invoice info sub line
                    // Update unit price discrepancy
                    if (cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.PriceUnit != purchLine.PurchPrice    &&
                            CNLInterfaceParameter::find().UpdateUnitPrice == NoYes::Yes)
                        // Insert unit price discrepancy into table <CNLUnitPriceDiscrepancy> for auditing
                    // Allocate ORLI charges
                    if (cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.InvoiceCharges > 0   &&
                        cnlPurchaseInvoiceLine.Source == CNLHEROSourceSystem::ORLI)
            if (!errorMessage)
                // Update Imported sales tax amount
                vendInvoiceInfoTable.ImportedSalesTax = taxAmountCur;
                // Insert vendor invoice info sub table
                // Submit to Workflow
        /// <summary>
        /// To create records in <table>VendInvoiceInfoSubLine</table>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "_vendInvoiceInfoLine"></param>
        /// <param name = "_vendPackingSlipTrans"></param>
        public void createVendInvoiceInfoSubLine(VendInvoiceInfoLine     _vendInvoiceInfoLine,
                                                        VendPackingSlipTrans    _vendPackingSlipTrans)
            vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.ParmId       = _vendInvoiceInfoLine.ParmId;
            vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.LineRefRecId = _vendInvoiceInfoLine.RecId;
            vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.ReceiveNow           = _vendPackingSlipTrans.Qty;
            vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.InventNow            = _vendPackingSlipTrans.Qty;
            vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.JournalRefRecId      = _vendPackingSlipTrans.RecId;
            vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.JournalRefTableId    = _vendPackingSlipTrans.TableId;
            vendInvoiceInfoSubLine.DocumentId           = _vendPackingSlipTrans.PackingSlipId;
        /// <summary>
        /// To create records in <table>CNLUnitPriceDiscrepancy</table>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "_cnlPurchInv"></param>
        /// <param name = "_purchLine"></param>
        public void createUnitPriceDiscrepancy(CNLPurchaseInvoice    _cnlPurchInv,
                                                      PurchLine             _purchLine)
            cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.Source                =   _cnlPurchInv.Source;
            cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.GuidId                =   _cnlPurchInv.GuidId;
            cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.InvoiceNumber         =   _cnlPurchInv.InvoiceNumber;
            cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.PriceUnit             =   _cnlPurchInv.PriceUnit;
            cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.PurchaseOrderNumber   =   _cnlPurchInv.PurchaseOrderNumber;
            cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.POLineNumber          =   _purchLine.LineNumber;
            cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.InitialPOUnitPrice    =   _purchLine.PriceUnit;
            cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.UpdatedPOUnitPrice    =   _cnlPurchInv.PriceUnit;
            cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.UpdateStatus          =   CNLInterfaceParameter::find().UpdateUnitPrice;
            if (PurchTable::find(_cnlPurchInv.PurchaseOrderNumber,false).InterCompanySalesId)
                cnlUnitPrcDiscrepancy.RelatedSalesOrderNumber = PurchTable::find(_cnlPurchInv.PurchaseOrderNumber,false).InterCompanySalesId;
        public void submitWorkFlow(VendInvoiceInfoTable _vendInvoiceInfoTable,CNLPurchaseInvoice _cnlPurchInvoiceWF)
            WorkflowComment      workflowComment;
            TradeLineRefId       headerReference;
            VendInvoiceInfoTable vendInvoiceInfoTbl;
            headerReference = _vendInvoiceInfoTable.TableRefId;
            workflowComment = "@CNLHeroModelLabel:SCM06_000055";
            vendInvoiceInfoTbl = VendInvoiceInfoTable::findTableRefId(headerReference);
            if (vendInvoiceInfoTbl)
                    VendInvoiceHeaderWorkflow::submitToWorkflow(vendInvoiceInfoTbl, workflowComment);
                catch (Exception::CLRError)
                    // Update the process attempt count
                    // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.
                catch (Exception::Error)
                    // Update the process attempt count
                    // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.
                catch (Exception::Info)
                    // Update the process attempt count
                    // Exception caught and the same has been logged into the exception monitoring log table.
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    Martin Dráb 231,401 Most Valuable Professional on at
    'The state of the source document or source document line could not be updated.'
    Please post your code once more in a reply. The formatting doesn't work correctly in the first post of a thread.

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