Hi GP Guru,
I would like to know if there's solution regarding this matter. Our company use GP for the accounting department. We try to standardize user access on the company PC (to protect company asset to be abuse - installation of inappropriate or non related apps or software). So we give user as a standard user at first - the result most of the users cannot run the program. Windows message prompt that 'You have no privilege to run the program' even giving access right to modify to the GP folder. Then we change the user to 'Power User' - it works for most user. After running GP, user cannot do process e.g. doing billing, receipt voucher etc. At the end we give the administrator privilege, than everything works.
My question are :
1. Is there any solution to standardize all user to power user and GP works on everything user want to use or process. We try to ask the vendor how to program or do something~ with it, but no relevant answer given...We try to securing the network from user as well.
2. Do we need to change setting on the PC, where? how?
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