RE: Link for Redirecting user to a Custom Entity
Hi crmnewbie01,
When you choose entity as type and select one entity you need in the sitemap, it will show view if you click it, which is by-design.
As mike said, you can select Url as type and add url that redirect to the form to subarea url property in sitemap configuration if you want to open form directly.
If you want go to the new create form of the entity, you can refer following url:
When you click it, it will open one new form of the entity.
If you want go to one exsiting record of the entity, you can refer following url(add specify recordID):
when i click test in the siteMap, it will open 'test11' record form directly.
And if you are older version, you can use following url format:
you can directly get appid in the url.
Leah Ju
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