Hello Community,
We are in the midst of re-evaluating our GP security structure, which has been in place for over 12 years. While we have an understanding of operators to tasks to roles, we are looking for 1.) an identifier that we can easily report on that either shows us where the window is located under the GP menu tree (ie, Transactions>Purchasing>Transaction Entry for Payables Transaction Entry) or 2.) an identifier that simply identifies the operator as a directly accessible window (in other words, a window that can only be access through the menu tree, not a window through another window). In addition, we would like to see 3.) the relationship of the core window with other windows that are only accessible through the core window.
Do you know which tables and relational links would provide us with the info we are looking for? We have already identified SY09000, SY09400, SY10600 and SY10700 for operators to tasks to roles. Keep in mind, we are looking to evaluate all GP windows so we are looking for a report we could build where we can look at this in mass but be able to start at a high-level window and get all the way to the operator.
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