Can someone help me to figure out this warning message
"File WordIntegration.dot is missing or misplaced" ,it appaers in letter writting assistant in creating blank document
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Can someone help me to figure out this warning message
"File WordIntegration.dot is missing or misplaced" ,it appaers in letter writting assistant in creating blank document
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There are two lines in the dex.ini that you need to make sure are pointed to the correct place.
The Word Macro File and the Letters Directory need to be pointed to the correct location.
thanks for your help, I finally figure it out, icheck my dex,ini and verify that have I wrong directory of for letters because I forget the GP i used is copied folder from other workstation cause I cant create a new test company for my testing cause the GP in my workstation in utilities has a error message so that i cant continue to create new company by the way thanks again
you may check your dex.ini file inside GP application folder. there is something there written about letters.
you need to have the file wordIntegration.dot in that location, this is automatic if you dont have issues during installation.
in my case it's in:
Letters Directory=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\GP10\Data\Letters\
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