Hi All,
can you please guide me on how to run the performance toolkit for ms crm 2013 - getting lots of error during build - please guide me what should i do in power shell
Note:Open Powershell and go to C:\CRMToolkit\Setup (assume the toolkit was extracted to C:)-till this i did
where should i run this ?
- Run ToolkitSetup.ps1 - ToolkitSetup.ps1 -adminName:<CRM Administraor Name> -adminPassword:<CRM Administrator <password>> -domainName:<CRM Domain> -crmServerName:<CRM Server Name> -sqlServerName <SQL Server Name> -orgName:<test org name> -configSku:<Online or Onprem> -release <CRM2013SP1 or CRM2015 or CRM2015SP1> -crmSdkBinDir <CRM SDK bin folder path> -crmSDKReservedDllPath <the location for Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Reserved.dll> -outlookDllsPath <the location for dlls required to run outlook test case>
- Sample commands:
- .\ToolkitSetup.ps1 -adminName administrator -adminPassword <password> -domainName apollo6dom -crmServerName apollo6web -sqlServerName apollo6sql -orgName testOrg -configSku onprem -release CRM2015 -crmSdkBinDir "C:\CRM2015SDK\SDK\Bin" -crmSDKReservedDllPath "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\Client\res\web\bin" -outlookDllsPath "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\Client\res\web\bin" -ssl $false
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