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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

How can I mask the bank account number on Direct Deposit Remittance?

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Posted on by 967

Customers frequently ask for the bank account number to be masked on the Direct Deposit Remittance.  They want to display it as something like ****4244 showing only the last 4 characters of the bank account number.  There is a great TK that shows how to mask SSNs, but since bank account numbers can be of different lengths, the process is different.

Many thanks for any help you can offer.


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  • RE: How can I mask the bank account number on Direct Deposit Remittance?

    In case anyone else has the same question, I figured out how to suppress the XXXX when the report data field is empty.  I made the Calculated  Account Number field  - Expression Type Conditional.  Made the condition if the account number is <> "" then The true statement is as Terry noted above.  The false statement is ""

  • RE: How can I mask the bank account number on Direct Deposit Remittance?

    I have the same question as Sandip.  We have 9  rows of bank information to possibly be displayed.  All 9 fill with XXXX even when Hide when Empty is chosen.  Is there a way to hide the XXXX if the data field is empty?

  • sandipdjadhav Profile Picture
    sandipdjadhav 18,267 on at
    RE: How can I mask the bank account number on Direct Deposit Remittance?


    I have followed your steps to create mask field for Bank Account and Routing Number.

    We have some employee more than 1 DD Bank Account and on calculated field I have option selected Hide when empty but it won't hide, as I think it has mask value- XXXX.

    How can I hide if report data field is empty?



  • Sherlene Sorenson Profile Picture
    Sherlene Sorenson 967 on at
    Re: How can I mask the bank account number on Direct Deposit Remittance?

    Thanks!  This approaches it a little differently than I was thinking.  I wanted to SHOW the last 4, but this masks the first 4, which will work fine.

  • Suggested answer
    Terry R Heley Profile Picture
    Terry R Heley Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: How can I mask the bank account number on Direct Deposit Remittance?

    I'm sorry, I totally copied the wrong KB, then I see it is Internal or got switched it is below, I will work to get this external for all as the steps should work.


    This article discusses how to use Report Writer in Microsoft Dynamics GP and in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0 to create a calculated field to mask the bank account number on one of the following reports: • Employee Checks  

    • Direct Deposit Statement of Earnings


    The following steps use the Direct Deposit Statement of Earnings report as an example.

    Step 1: Open the report

    1.  Follow the appropriate step:• In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, on the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools, point to Customize, and then click Report Writer.  

    • In Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 and in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, on the Tools menu, point to Customize, and then click Report Writer.  

    2.  Click Microsoft Dynamics GP or Microsoft Great Plains, and then click OK.  

    3.  Click Reports.

    4.  In the Original Reports list, click Direct Deposit Statement of Earnings, and then click Insert.  

    5.  In the Modified Reports list, click Direct Deposit Statement of Earnings, and then click Open.  

    Step 2: Create a calculated field

    1.  In the Report Definition window, click Layout.  

    2.  In the Toolbox window, click Calculated Fields, and then click New.  

    3.  In the Name field, type Bank Account Number.  

    4.  In the Result Type list, click String, and then in the Expression Type area, click Calculated.  

    5.  Click the Constants tab, and then click String in the Type list.  

    6.  In the Constant field, type the text or characters you want to use to mask the bank account number. For example, type "XXXXXXXXX".  

    7.  Click Add.  

    8.  In the Operators area, click CAT.  

    9.  Click the Functions tab, and then click User-Defined.  

    10.  Click System in the Core list, click RW_Substring in the Function list, and then click Add.  

    11.  Click the Fields tab.  

    12.  In the Resource list, click Direct Deposit Employee Deposit, in the Field list, click DD Array12 Account Number, and the click Add.  

    13.  When you are prompted for an array index, enter the array index for the bank account number you want to mask. For example, if the bank account number you want to mask is the first line on the Direct Deposit Statement of Earnings report, then type 1.

    Note If you want to mask multiple bank accounts, create a separate calculated field for each one.  

    14.  Click the Constants tab.  

    15.  In The Type list, click Integer.  

    16.  Set the first character of the substring. This the character that you want the bank account number to start on. For example, if the bank account number is "1234567", and you want to mask the first 4 digits, set the first character to 5. Type 5 in the Constant field, and then click Add.  

    17.  Set the length of the substring. Using the same example, enter the length for the remaining digits, in our example enter 3. In the Constant field, type 3, and then click Add.  

    18.  Click OK.  

    Step 3: Add the calculated field to the report

    1.  In the Body section of the layout, delete the bank account number field (DD Array12 Account Number).  

    2.  In the Toolbox window, drag the Bank Account Number field to the Body section of the layout


    Step 4: Save the modified report

    1.  Close the report.  

    2.  When you are prompted to save your changes, click Save.  

    3.  In the Report Definition window, click OK.  

    4.  On the File menu, click Microsoft Dynamics GP.  

    Step 5: Assign security permissions

    To assign security permissions to the modified report, use one of the following methods.

    Method 1: By using security in Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0

    1.  Point to Tools on the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then click Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports.  

    2.  In the ID box, type the user ID that will print this modified report.  

    3.  In the Product list, click Microsoft Dynamics GP.  

    4.  In the Type list, click Reports.  

    5.  Expand the Payroll folder.  

    6.  Expand folder for the report you modified.  

    7.  Click to select Microsoft Dynamics GP (Modified).

    8.  Click Save.

    Method 2: by using the Advanced Security tool in a version prior to Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0

    1.  On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then click Advanced Security.  

    2.  If you are prompted, type the system password in the Please Enter Password box, and then click OK.  

    3.  In the Advanced Security window, click View, and then click By Alternate, Modified and Custom.  

    4.  Expand Microsoft Dynamics GP or Microsoft Great Plains.  

    5.  Expand Reports, expand Payroll, and then expand the report that you modified.  

    6.  Click Microsoft Dynamics GP (Modified) or Microsoft Great Plains.  

    7.  Click Apply, and then click OK.

    Note By default, when you start the Advanced Security tool, the current user and the current company are selected. Any changes that you make affect the current user and the current company. However, you can select additional users in the Users area of the Advanced Security window. You can select additional companies in the Company Name area of the Advanced Security window.  

    Method 3: By using the Standard Security tool in a version prior to Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0

    1.  On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then click Security.  

    2.  If you are prompted, type the system password in the Please Enter Password box, and then click OK.  

    3.  In the User ID list, click the ID of the user who you want to have access to the modified report.  

    4.  In the Type list, click Modified Reports.  

    5.  In the Series list, click Payroll.  

    6.  In the Access List box, double-click the report you modified, and then click OK.

    Note An asterisk (*) appears next to the report name.

  • Sherlene Sorenson Profile Picture
    Sherlene Sorenson 967 on at
    Re: How can I mask the bank account number on Direct Deposit Remittance?

    Thanks, Terry... .I had already found that one on masking the SSN.  The question is how to mask the Bank Account number.

  • Terry R Heley Profile Picture
    Terry R Heley Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: How can I mask the bank account number on Direct Deposit Remittance?

    Here is the KB, for this


    Terry Heley

  • Sherlene Sorenson Profile Picture
    Sherlene Sorenson 967 on at
    Re: How can I mask the bank account number on Direct Deposit Remittance?

    that was the same result I found.  I ended up shortening the Bank Account field and choosing right-align so that only about 4 characters would display.  Also created conditional fields to print 'XXXX' prior to the Bank Account number if there was a bank number value for that Sequence number.  Not very professional looking.

  • Brian_DiFi Profile Picture
    Brian_DiFi 2,410 on at
    Re: How can I mask the bank account number on Direct Deposit Remittance?

    Looking for that today myself.  If I find one I'll post it up.  I found the SSN one but that doesn't really help.  

  • Sherlene Sorenson Profile Picture
    Sherlene Sorenson 967 on at
    Re: How can I mask the bank account number on Direct Deposit Remittance?

    no - can you point me to one?

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