When users edit an EXISTING record for which there is an existing MatchCode, the Duplicate Detection dialog opens; "My Updated Record" only shows data in the column field that I edited (if that column is included in the view).
"Potential Duplicate Records" show one or more duplicates found (e.g., Contacts(13)) but lists nothing under records except for the message, "There are no Contacts to show in this view. To get started, create one or more Contacts".
Our Duplicate Detection rules are set to Ignore blanks and set to Exlude Inactive Records.
However, when users create a NEW record for which there is an existing MatchCode, the Duplicate Detection dialog opens with expected data in "My Updated Record" and "Potential Duplicates".
This is frustrating and confusing for users.
Any idea how to fix it so editing existing records will show the data of Potential Duplicates like it does when creating new records?