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Submitting purch order created using purchAUtoCreate_sales in X++ to workflow through code

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Hello folks,

I am using purchAutoCreate_Sales in x++ code to create the purch orders, it works fine and creates a PO.

However need to ensure that the  created PO is submitted to the workflow through the code.

Upon checking the workflow I found that type of workflow type  is VendInvoiceRecordingTemplate also found this URL but cannot figure out what should I replace custinvoiceTable for my workflow.

Initially I thought it should be vendinvoiceinfotable, however looks like that is not the correct table as none of the PO created via purchAutoCreate_Sales are creating recs in that vendinvoiceinfotable even after I manually confirm the PO.

Please suggest a solution.



  • Sukrut Parab Profile Picture
    Sukrut Parab 71,673 Moderator on at
    RE: Submitting purch order created using purchAUtoCreate_sales in X++ to workflow through code

    There is vendor invoice journal workflow, vendor invoice workflow, vendor invoice line worklow etc. in AP module. Where do u see purchase invoice journal workflow ?

    Also note, if you enable vendor invoice automation all the invoices created through Data management as pending vendor invoices submitted automatically to the workflow using process automation, you can take a look at that as well.

  • Mav Profile Picture
    Mav on at
    RE: Submitting purch order created using purchAUtoCreate_sales in X++ to workflow through code


    Any update on this would be really helfpul.



  • Mav Profile Picture
    Mav on at
    RE: Submitting purch order created using purchAUtoCreate_sales in X++ to workflow through code

    Its standard out of the box OOB purchase invoice journal workflow.

  • Sukrut Parab Profile Picture
    Sukrut Parab 71,673 Moderator on at
    RE: Submitting purch order created using purchAUtoCreate_sales in X++ to workflow through code

    The workflow you are trying to submit on PO is custom created workflow or are u using standard workflow ?Is its custom then you might have to add custom method which is going to be similar to custInvoiceTable which just sets the state on the workflow on the originating table.

  • Mav Profile Picture
    Mav on at
    RE: Submitting purch order created using purchAUtoCreate_sales in X++ to workflow through code

    Hello Sukrut,

    No problem, I am using VendInvoiceRecordingTemplate type workflow, which is accessible at  action pane workflow of purchase order.

    I am trying to replace the code from this link which is for custinvocetrans to that of purchtable.

    I am NOTfacing any challenge in selecting purchtable record , only challenge I am facing is how to replace below line of code with purchtable as I am unable to find any setWorkflowState() or similar function at purchtable.

    "custInvoiceTable::setWorkflowState(_custInvoiceTable.RecId, CustFreeInvoiceWFApprovalState::Submitted); "



  • Sukrut Parab Profile Picture
    Sukrut Parab 71,673 Moderator on at
    RE: Submitting purch order created using purchAUtoCreate_sales in X++ to workflow through code

    Sorry , I did not understand what is missing.  Can you please explain which workflow you are using and what kind of challenges you have for selecting puchtable record.

  • Mav Profile Picture
    Mav on at
    RE: Submitting purch order created using purchAUtoCreate_sales in X++ to workflow through code

    Hello Sukrut,

    Yes that was done.

    Only thing pending is to replace below line of code with Purchtable and I coulld not find any setWorkflowState() or similar in Purctable code.

    custInvoiceTable::setWorkflowState(_custInvoiceTable.RecId, CustFreeInvoiceWFApprovalState::Submitted);



  • Sukrut Parab Profile Picture
    Sukrut Parab 71,673 Moderator on at
    RE: Submitting purch order created using purchAUtoCreate_sales in X++ to workflow through code

    Hi Mav , 

    Did you try using method  activateFromWorkflowType  from class workflow to submit PO to workflow? Check code below, recId parameter should be the recId of Purchtable. 

    //Activate the workflow
    Workflow::activateFromWorkflowType(workFlowTypeStr(YourWorkflow), recId, "@AccountsPayable:VendChangeProposalSubmit_SubmittedMessage", NoYes::No);

  • Mav Profile Picture
    Mav on at
    RE: Submitting purch order created using purchAUtoCreate_sales in X++ to workflow through code

    Hello  all,

    Anyone any update on this would be helpful.

  • Mav Profile Picture
    Mav on at
    RE: Submitting purch order created using purchAUtoCreate_sales in X++ to workflow through code

    Hello Andre,

    Any update on above would be helpful.



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