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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Defaulting the reverse issue Site/Bin

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Hey guys,

I need to find a way to default the reverse issue's site/bin so that qtys will always drop in a specific site/bin combination. Here is the situation:

We are on GP10 sp3 (going on sp5 shortly) and we have multi-bin activated. Our items are lot tracked and here goes: The way we operate is that warehouse clerk prepares in advance all futur MOs and transfers the items to a bin called Production. When the MO is picked, all material is found within that bin. When production is complete, all material unused is then sent to a bin called return. The problem is that in GP, the reverse issue transaction will automatically send the qtys back in the bin they were originally picked from, in our case Production. So whoever is closing out the MO has to then use the Bin transfer menu to take each leftover qtys and tranfer them from Production to Return...

Any suggestions on that one?
Thanks, Jason Chung

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  • Jason Chung Profile Picture
    Jason Chung 1,110 on at
    Re: Defaulting the reverse issue Site/Bin

    Why are you even posting on my question if all you have is nothing!

    First off, I only spoke of logic because you posted a comment stating it being logical.

    Secondly, I don't have to justify why over a period of time we have reverse issued materials going back to inventory.

    Thirdly, I don't care how long you've been using MOs and who is wrong and who is right.

    Fourthly, the bin is called Return. It could be called Reverse_issue bin but that's not how it has been called. So who gives a s**t how the bin is named.

    Fifthly, all I was asking is whether or not anyone knows of a way to send reverse issued item/lot/qty to a specific bin. If you don't have a way to do this, then why are you bothering me with shoulds and should nots?

    I'm sorry for my not to subtle reply to Violator and do not wish to offend anyone who is currently reading this post. My question was legitimate and I hope this will not prevent others from trying to help me out.

    Thank you,

    Jason Chung

  • Syrus Profile Picture
    Syrus 4,156 on at
    Re: Defaulting the reverse issue Site/Bin

    Your aruments and my logics. I know you are not going to like it  but this justification of waste of time, 100 MO my situation, your situation is not going to make any better.

    You have to think as Neutral when looking for a solution. When you have Multi-BIn, Your Workcenter is your BIN as well and Warehouse as well. How and WHY that is another question and your can ask Microsoft and spend the rest of your life.

    You also have to think about your process as why you are having so much of material being retuned for 100 MOs a day that you need to return to RETURN. Is your BOM correctly defined, your Router have right steps to charge the cost,  then material issued should be equal to Material Backflushed or consumed and any VARAIANCE should go to VARAIANCE Account.

    I am not saying that I am right but I have been using MO and QMO (one of the toughest) for the past 5-7 years and my users and processes are toughtest one but I don't have the situation your are quoting  or may be yours is different but it does not mean the whole system's locgic is wrong.

    Logic were also created by someone like me and you and yes there are could be loopholes depending upon the different working enviornments and then ways to address them.

    You keep on arguing and it is not going work the way you want.  The core point to understand is that the system is assuming you are performing a REVERSE ISSUE on the ISSUE for your picklist and you are not perfroming a function of RETURN which is either a QA or Purchase/Material RETURN option in Inventory and that is the KEY

  • Jason Chung Profile Picture
    Jason Chung 1,110 on at
    Re: Defaulting the reverse issue Site/Bin

    Hey guys,

    Again thanks for the replies. Let me start by answering to David..

    As I've been mentionning, this seems to be GP's way of treating a item/lot/bin combination. I get the exact same behavior when modifying the bin in the reverse issue. Actually, the system indicates that there is no item/lot/qty for that bin, since according to him, that item hasn't left that site/bin combination when moving from WIP to inventory.

    Now to answer to Violator...

    The fact that this behavior is logical is quite debatable. Since the logical thinking would rather seem to me that when an item is issued, it is taken from one place and sent into a work center. Once the production is complete, the leftover of that item is then taken from the work center and sent back into inventory. If my warehouse contains 5000 bins and my methodologie is to use any available space, why then should i retreive from my work center the leftover item and bring it back to it's original bin? In this case, it would not seem logical to do this in this fashion.

    In any case, logical or not, the reverse issue step does is not executed by our warehouse clerks, so the materials leftover must go in this "Return" bin so that our warehouse clerks may then place this material in available bin spaces. The fact that GP systematically places the items back from whence they came creates an additional step to be taken with Bin Transfer Entry window. If we have an average of 100 MOs per month, with an average of 15 item/lot/qty to reverse issue, that means 1500 individual Bin Transfer Entries to be made per month.


    Jason Chung

  • Syrus Profile Picture
    Syrus 4,156 on at
    Re: Defaulting the reverse issue Site/Bin

    I don't think there is shortcut way to do that. In MO Process when you issue from a BIN; the reverse should always be to the same BIN and it is logical, as well.

    Yes, it is an extra step to make another transfer to another BIN but I will not do that as I am using that Qty. that for anothr MO.

  • GPDavid Profile Picture
    GPDavid 2,250 on at
    Re: Defaulting the reverse issue Site/Bin

    So, it seems like GP does default to a bin when you enter a reverse issue.  I am not aware of a way to change this, by default.

    In the latter half of my first reply, I was simply suggesting that users change the bin that defaults on the Reverse Issue at the time the Reverse Issue transaction is completed.  While Item A will default to bin A and Item B will default to bin B, it may make sense to change these at the time of entering the transaction rather than leave them to be transacted later.

    I ran into an issue when I tried to test this by entering Reverse Issue transactions via the Component Transaction Entry window:

    Enter a Reverse Issue Transaction Type.  Select the items to be reverse issued and click 'Add to Pick Doc'.  Once you have added all items to the Pick Doc, click the Pick Doc tab (next to the Items tab) to see the items that you've just added to the Pick Doc.  Select the first line item.  Click the blue expansion button next to the word Transaction Qty.  This will open the Bin Quantity window, from which you will probably see that GP has defaulted the bin to which this item will be reverse issued.  Use the Remove and Add buttons to change the bin to which it defaults.

    Unfortunately, at this point, when I remove the default bin selection, the system does not let me add a new bin.  It only lets me select the bin that I just removed.

    See if you encounter the same behavior or if you are able to see something I am missing.  Sorry I can't be of more help!


  • Jason Chung Profile Picture
    Jason Chung 1,110 on at
    Re: Defaulting the reverse issue Site/Bin

    Hi David,

    Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, this does not solve my problem. I know of the Item Site Default Bins window you speak of and it is in this sens I would have liked to have a Default Reverse Issue Bin, but there is none.

    I'm not sure I understand what you are talking about when you mention that "it can be changed once the item to be reverse issued has been added to the pick doc." since I am unable to accomplish this.

    It would seem that GP will associate the item/lot combination from the reverse issue quantities available to their respective site/bin combination from when they were issued and this has nothing to do with the default "Material Issue" bin in the Item Site Default Bins window.

    For example, if issuing item A from bin A and item B from bin B, whatever quantities are to be reverse issued afterwards will be directly placed as item A in bin A and item B in bin B, even if my objective is to place both item A and B in bin C. After posting, I have to go to Inventory/Transactions/Bin transfer entry to transfer each item/quantity from their bin to bin C.

    Unless you have a way to shortcut this method?


    Jason Chung

  • GPDavid Profile Picture
    GPDavid 2,250 on at
    Re: Defaulting the reverse issue Site/Bin

    I suspect this is happening because you are identifying the Production bin as the default "Material Issue" bin in the Item Site Default Bins window.  Is this the case?

    If so, I don't see a field in this window for Reverse Issue, so I'm guessing that the bin entered for Material Issue is used in the Component Transaction Entry window, regardless of whether or not you are trying to enter an issue or reverse issue transaction.

    Have you suggested that users who complete and post the receipt be responsible for adjusting the bin quantity at the time the reverse issue is entered?  I know you say this is automated, but it can be changed once the item to be reverse issued has been added to the Pick Doc.  This still isn't a "Default" method, but it may speed things up a bit rather than leaving one giant issue for the person closing the MOs at a much later date.


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