I just tried installing the 2016 year end service pack for GP 2015 in a test environment and it error'd out on 1 of my 4 companies. It occurs during the "Load Stored Procedures" step of the update. There are 2 messages that come up:
The following SQL statement produced an error:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.wfOutOfOfficeDelegationCleanup as begin set NOCOUNT ON declare @DomainUserName char(255) declare @UsersListGuid char(37), @ActualUsersListGuid char(37) declare Delegation_Users cursor local fast_forward for select DomainUserName, UsersListGuid from WF40500 open Delegation_Users fetch next from Delegation_Users into @DomainUserName, @UsersListGuid while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 begin select @ActualUsersListGuid = rtrim(upper(isnull((select DYNAMICS.dbo.GetObjectGuidByUser(@DomainUserName,1,0)),''))) if rtrim(upper(@UsersListGuid))<>rtrim(@ActualUsersListGuid) begin delete from WF40510 where UsersListGuid=@UsersListGuid delete from WF40500 where UsersListGuid=@UsersListGuid end fetch next from Delegation_Users into @DomainUserName, @UsersListGuid end close Delegation_Users deallocate Delegation_Users declare Delegation_Lines cursor local fast_forward for select DomainUserName from WF40510 open Delegation_Lines fetch next from Delegation_Lines into @DomainUserName while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 begin if DYNAMICS.dbo.IsValidUserByUser(@DomainUserName,1,0)=0 begin delete from WF40510 where DomainUserName=@DomainUserName end fetch next from Delegation_Lines into @DomainUserName end close Delegation_Lines deallocate Delegation_Lines delete from WF40500 where rtrim(upper(UsersListGuid)) not in (select rtrim(upper(UsersListGuid)) from WF40510) declare @UserDelegationDates TABLE(ENDDATE datetime, UsersListGuid char(37)) insert into @UserDelegationDates select MAX(ENDDATE) as ENDDATE,UsersListGuid from WF40510 group by UsersListGuid update WF40500 set WF_Auto_Delegate_Tasks=0 where WF_Auto_Delegate_Tasks=1 and UsersListGuid in (select UsersListGuid from @UserDelegationDates where ENDDATE<SYSDATETIME()) END
ERROR [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]AppDomain DYNAMICS.dbo[runtime].13 was unloaded by escalation policy to ensure the consistency of your application. Out of memory happened while accessing a critical resource.
The application domain
I ran GP Utilities as an Administrator and we currently do not use Workflow. "DYNSA" is the owner on all GP databases. How can I resolve this error and proceed?
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