Hi experts,
i have a problem we are using ms dynamics 365 with tasklet WMS.
in scanner
problem we are facing is when we creat warehouse pick after shipment i can see my order on both sides in whs shipment and pick. While in pick order qty is like 0/3 or 0/1.
and in ship area its like 0/0 .
we we post the pick the the value in shipment is okey from its original form.
if i post parcial shipment qty not picked shipped remains in warehouse pick document
even if is post shipment of that pick i can see that article which is not shiped and if i posted it customer invoices showed that artical with zero qty .
i need that if article is not picked and pick is posted remaining article should deleted or does not show in warehouse pick . And when i post that spasifc warehouse shipment that article which is supposed to be posted as zero i should not be invoiced and whs shipment should be removed from that area
because it’s difficult to find whs.shipment
help will be higly appreciated.