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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Upgrade Error - GP10 to GP2013 R2?

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I' tried to upgrade our current GP 2010 to GP 2013R2

The install went fine but when running GP Utilities it is failing to update our main Company, it states:

..Procedure or function dbo.mcFuncGetExchangeRateTable has too many arguments specified.

Below is part of DEXSQL log.

Any help on these errors would be appreciated.



 CREATE VIEW GL10000CurrencyTranslationView AS   select   [GL10000Final].[OPENYEAR],  [GL10000Final].[ACTINDX],  [GL10000Final].[CRDTAMNT],  [GL10000Final].[DEBITAMT],  [GL10000Final].[ORCRDAMT],  [GL10000Final].[ORDBTAMT],  [GL10000Final].[TRXDATE],  [GL10000Final].[DSCRIPTN],  [GL10000Final].[REFRENCE],  [GL10000Final].[CURNCYID],  [GL10000Final].[Original_Exchange_Rate],  [GL10000Final].[JRNENTRY],  [GL10000Final].[TRXSORCE],  [GL10000Final].[SOURCDOC],  [GL10000Final].[ORDOCNUM],  [GL10000Final].[ORTRXSRC],  [GL10000Final].[ORMSTRID],  [GL10000Final].[ORMSTRNM],  [GL10000Final].[ORTRXTYP],  [GL10000Final].[SERIES],  [GL10000Final].[VOIDED],  [GL10000Final].[Ledger_ID],  [GL10000Final].[TranslationCurrencyID],  [GL10000Final].[CurrencyTranslationType],  [GL10000Final].[PERDENDT],  [GL10000Final].[TranslationExchangeRate],  case GL10000Final.CRDTAMNT  when 0.0 then  0.0  else  dbo.mcFuncCalculateAmountExtended([GL10000Final].[RTCLCMTD], 3,   [GL10000Final].[TranslationExchangeRate],  [GL10000Final].[DENXRATE],  [GL10000Final].[MCTRXSTT],  [GL10000Final].[DECPLCUR],   [GL10000Final].[CRDTAMNT])  end as TranslationCreditAmount,  case GL10000Final.DEBITAMT  when 0.0 then  0.0  else  dbo.mcFuncCalculateAmountExtended([GL10000Final].[RTCLCMTD], 3,   [GL10000Final].[TranslationExchangeRate],  [GL10000Final].[DENXRATE],  [GL10000Final].[MCTRXSTT],  [GL10000Final].[DECPLCUR],   [GL10000Final].[DEBITAMT])  end as TranslationDebitAmount,  [GL10000Final].[SequenceNumber],  [GL10000Final].[PERIODID],  [GL10000Final].[CURRNIDX],  [GL10000Final].[DECPLCUR],  [GL10000Final].[RATETPID],  [GL10000Final].[EXGTBLID],  [GL10000Final].[EXCHDATE],  [GL10000Final].[TIME1],  [GL10000Final].[RTCLCMTD],  [GL10000Final].[DENXRATE],  [GL10000Final].[MCTRXSTT],  [GL10000Final].[Adjustment_Transaction] from (select distinct  [GL_TRX_WORK].[OPENYEAR],   [GL_TRX_WORK].[ACTINDX],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[CRDTAMNT],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[DEBITAMT],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[ORCRDAMT],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[ORDBTAMT],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[TRXDATE],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[DSCRIPTN],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[REFRENCE],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[CURNCYID],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[XCHGRATE] as Original_Exchange_Rate,   [GL_TRX_WORK].[JRNENTRY],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[TRXSORCE],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[SOURCDOC],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[ORDOCNUM],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[ORTRXSRC],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[ORMSTRID],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[ORMSTRNM],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[ORTRXTYP],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[SERIES],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[VOIDED],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[Ledger_ID],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[TranslationCurrencyID],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[CurrencyTranslationType],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[PERDENDT],  F.XCHGRATE as TranslationExchangeRate,  [GL_TRX_WORK].[SQNCLINE] as SequenceNumber,  [GL_TRX_WORK].[PERIODID],  E.[CURRNIDX],  (E.[DECPLCUR]-1) as DECPLCUR,  [GL_TRX_WORK].[RATETPID],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[EXGTBLID],  F.[EXCHDATE],  F.[TIME1],  D.[RTCLCMTD],  dbo.mcFuncGetDenExchRate(GL_TRX_WORK.TranslationCurrencyID,D.RTCLCMTD) as DENXRATE,  [GL_TRX_WORK].[MCTRXSTT],  [GL_TRX_WORK].[Adjustment_Transaction] from DYNAMICS..MC40200 E, DYNAMICS..MC40300 D cross apply  (select e.YEAR1 as OPENYEAR,a.JRNENTRY,a.SOURCDOC,a.REFRENCE,f.DSCRIPTN,a.TRXDATE,  a.TRXSORCE,f.ACTINDX,a.SERIES,f.ORTRXTYP,f.ORMSTRID,f.ORMSTRNM,  f.ORDOCNUM,a.ORTRXSRC,a.SQNCLINE,a.CURNCYID,b.CURNCYID as TranslationCurrencyID,  a.CURRNIDX,a.RATETPID,b.ExchangeTableID as EXGTBLID,a.XCHGRATE,  a.EXCHDATE,a.TIME1,a.RTCLCMTD,dbo.glFuncGetPeriodID(a.TRXDATE,a.OPENYEAR,2) as PERIODID,f.CRDTAMNT,f.DEBITAMT,f.ORCRDAMT,f.ORDBTAMT,  e.PERDENDT,  dbo.mcFuncGetMCTrxState(b.CURNCYID) as MCTRXSTT,b.CurrencyTranslationType,  a.VOIDED,a.Ledger_ID, a.Adjustment_Transaction,  case b.CurrencyTranslationType  when 1  then (SELECT CASE AVGCLMD WHEN 1 THEN e.PERDENDT ELSE (DATEADD(dd, -DAY(DATEADD(m,1,a.TRXDATE)), DATEADD(m,1,a.TRXDATE)))END AS A FROM MC40000)  when 3  then a.TRXDATE  end as ExchangeRateDate  from GL10000 a, GL10001 f,   (select c.ACTINDX,b.CURNCYID,  ExchangeTableID= case CurrencyTranslationType   when 1 then b.AverageExchangeTableID  when 3 then b.HistoricalExchgTableID  end,  c.CurrencyTranslationType  from MC00200 c,MC40600 b  where c.CURNCYID='' and c.CurrencyTranslationType<>2) b,  (select distinct b.PERIODID, a.YEAR1,a.FSTFSCDY,a.LSTFSCDY, b.PERIODDT,b.PERDENDT from SY40101 a, SY40100 b   where a.YEAR1=b.YEAR1 and b.SERIES=2) e  where a.JRNENTRY=f.JRNENTRY and f.ACTINDX=b.ACTINDX  and a.PERIODID=e.PERIODID   and e.YEAR1=e.YEAR1   and a.TRXDATE >=e.FSTFSCDY and a.TRXDATE <=e.LSTFSCDY) GL_TRX_WORK  cross apply (select top 1 * from dbo.mcFuncGetExchangeRateTable(GL_TRX_WORK.ExchangeRateDate, GL_TRX_WORK.EXGTBLID, D.TRXDTDEF, D.DATELMTS,D.PRVDSLMT,D.Base_Exchange_Rate_On,GL_TRX_WORK.MCTRXSTT,GL_TRX_WORK.CurrencyTranslationType) order by EXCHDATE, TIME1 desc) F  where GL_TRX_WORK.EXGTBLID = D.EXGTBLID and D.CURNCYID=E.CURNCYID) GL10000Final    
/*  Date: 10/24/2014  Time: 7:34:13
SQLSTATE:(37000) Native Err:(8144) stmt(4380928):*/
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Procedure or function dbo.mcFuncGetExchangeRateTable has too many arguments specified.*/

[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Procedure or function dbo.mcFuncGetExchangeRateTable has too many arguments specified.*/

*This post is locked for comments

  • Suggested answer
    Redbeard Profile Picture
    Redbeard 12,931 on at
    RE: Upgrade Error - GP10 to GP2013 R2?

    I recently performed the same update from GP 2010 to GP 2013 and encountered the same error.  The problem was that due to some turnover at the client, and this being a VAR change situation, there was no good answer to is Analytical Accounting necessary.  So, I installed Analytical Accounting and proceeded with the update.  It worked fine.

  • Lance Koplin Profile Picture
    Lance Koplin on at
    RE: Upgrade Error - GP10 to GP2013 R2?

    Hello Sveto,

    I understand that you are upgrading to GP 2013 R2 and you are receiving an error message, "Procedure or function dbo.mcFuncGetExchangeRateTable has too many arguments specified" when attempting to create the view "GL10000CurrencyTranslationView".  

    When it comes to upgrade errors, each environment is unique and makes it difficult to troubleshoot at times.

    I have seen this error be caused by having AA installed at one time but is no longer installed.  If that is the case, you can use the following KB article to remove AA.

    If you do not use AA, your best option would be to restart the upgrade for this company that you experience the upgrade error for.  The KB article will reset the status for the company and values.  It will also truncate the DU000030 so that the correct records are added to this table to ensure that all tables are being updated as they should be.

    920900  How to restart the upgrade of a company database in Microsoft Dynamics GP;EN-US;920900

    Otherwise, if that does not resolve your issue, I would suggest opening a case with Microsoft Support to dig into this upgrade issue further.


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