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Bin Location History Report

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Hi All

Currently our WH is scanning barcoded inventory and performing bin moves while 2nd person does a blind count on paper to complete inventory. 

once all inventory has been scanned, reconciliation is done by verifying a bin move has been completed on specific day inventory was completed. A piece inventory is pulled prior to scanning  

My question is - is there a report I can tweak (which one?) that will allow me to pull in data from the Piece Ledger so I am not spending so much time tinkering with the data? 

  • Suggested answer
    DAnny3211 Profile Picture
    DAnny3211 9,186 Super User on at
    RE: Bin Location History Report


    look this


  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 64,622 Super User on at
    RE: Bin Location History Report

    Hi, Josh is right, in BC, if you want to collect transfer data between Locations, you only need to extract it from Item Ledger Entries, but if you need it between Bins, you must get it from Warehouse Entry (7312).


    Or you can refer to the logic of the following page.


    Hope this helps as well.



  • Suggested answer
    JAngle Profile Picture
    JAngle 33,139 on at
    RE: Bin Location History Report

    Warehouse entry table is a good place to start. Will have all manner of movements made between all bin types

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