When I try to deploy Service update package via LCS (Maintain>Apply updates) to any cloud-hosted environment, it fails. I get: "Error code 85057
Error message: Timed out waiting for event: CopyPackageDeploymentWorkItem"
I have tried to apply service update for other CHEs but without success neither. I have restarted the VMs and tried several times, but it always ends with "Preparation failed". There are no logs to download either.
Internet couldn't help me neither, but maybe someone here knows?
Hi Migi,
When you have the scenario of "Preparation failed", you can use the command line option to install the deployable package. Make sure before you start to have a backup of the database and most important data. See also: Install deployable packages from the command line - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn
Perhaps it would be quicker to deploy a new virtual machine with the version you wanted to update to and delete the old one.
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