I’m a student in D365 and Power Apps, this a fulltime +1.000 hours training.
One of the goals is also to ask for support from the community, that’s why I’m reaching out via this medium.
We got a project case, where we have to build a solution starting a sport club.
This is a football club, where I use the account table as basis for the Teams of the ‘home club’ (and the competing teams).
- Account
- Contact
- League (U15, …, Senior)
- Field position (goalkeeper, …)
- Game Registration (where we relate the players to a certain game)
- Game
- Game registration ID (with a power automate flow: Date – home team – visiting team)
- Home Team
- Visiting Team
- Start date and time
- Score Home
- Score Visitors
- League
- Home Game (Boolean, slider on form?)
- Result (lost, draw, won,…)
Now one of the advanced optional things we have to think of is the following.
- It would be great if the coach could enter a the player who scored (and the time in minutes) on his mobile.
Obviously this needs to be done with a new entity and with a canvas app.
The goal would be that the Score is automatically updated in the Game entity.
So the player is linked (via Game Registration entity) to a team for that match.
E.g. Player x scores in minute 23 -> Score of his team in Game entity -> +1
This is only done for the home teams (different ages and gender teams).
For the opposing teams, we only track the name (account entity) not the players.
- Another extra would be to that the result (lost, dran, won…) is automatically updated with the score. This has to keep into account with which team is the home team, of course.
Seems that an extend business rule is the way to go, or a Power Automate Flow?
For this I would like some suggestions, ideas, sparring partners, …