Hi Experts,
We can upload documents from MS CRM to share point. Is there any way to upload documents in bulk? For example: Select 5 documents and upload together.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
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Hi Experts,
We can upload documents from MS CRM to share point. Is there any way to upload documents in bulk? For example: Select 5 documents and upload together.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
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I would look at it from the other way.
1) Create the Library from CRM
2) Browse SharePoint
3) Open the File Browser from SharePoint and drop the files in there
Below can be one possible solution.
1. Download and install OneDrive for Business App from below link:
2. Run OneDrive for Business and sync your SharePoint library to your local machine.
e.g. I have synced all account record's library to my local machine:https://<servername>.sharepoint.com/account
3. Once your library is synced, you can copy paste multiple files to the local folder and OneDrive for Business app will sync it to SharePoint and eventually you can see the files in CRM.
Please check suggested answer checkbox if this resolves your issue. Thank you.
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