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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Integration Manager General Journal, source has credit & debit account on same row

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi - I'm trying to write this integration, and I know our situation isn't unique, but I can't seem to find an answer elsewhere. Our import file has debit account, credit account, and amount on each row. The integration manager seems to expect debit account and amount on one row and offsetting credit account(s) and amount(s) on one or more separate rows. I believe I have to somehow split the input row into two journal entry detail rows in the IM. Anyone have an idea how that can be done?

Additionally, it would be good to group the input rows into subtotals by date, debit account, & credit account before posting so all the detail transactions don't end up in the GL system. I think that could be done by sorting and grouping in the source definitions, but please let me know if I'm wrong about that. 

Thanks for any assistance.

Mike Sedita

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  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Integration Manager General Journal, source has credit & debit account on same row

    Thanks. The data is not in excel but I can do the same with a sql query outside of IM and import it as text.

  • Verified answer
    L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    RE: Integration Manager General Journal, source has credit & debit account on same row

    Hi Mike,

    If your source data in Excel is similar to this (only with extra columns for date, etc.):

    JE DrAcctNumber CrAcctNumber DrAMT CrAMT
    1 000-1200-00 000-1101-00 350.00 350.00
    2 000-2000-00 000-1000-00 600.00 600.00

    I would do an Advanced ODBC Source and create a Query something like this

    JESources.JE, JESources.DRAcctNumber as Acct, JESources.DRAmt as Amt From JESources
    Select JESources.JE, JESources.CRAcctNumber, -1* JESources.CRAmt from JESources

    Then, I would use the positive/negative number option. You can get the 'Header' source by building it off of this same Advanced ODBC Source. For subtotaling, you could also handle that with a Group in your Advanced ODBC Source.

    Kind regards,


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