In warehouse receipts/put-aways, are you able to see the source purchase order number in the header list? I see it in the lines, but it would be nice to be able to have it ion the list page
Just to clarify the last two responses, and I agree with both, that putaway and pick document are always 1:1 when generated from related SO/PO.
if this is always how you process put & pick then by all means have a DEV add the no to the header. Usually, warehouse manager would use a put/pick worksheet to pull in all the documents at once to give it to his/her team so adding one PO number to the header wouldn’t work.
Our Warehouse Put Away documents are created as receipts are posted on PO's so I've never seen an instance where a put away relates to multiple PO numbers. If that also applies to you, then use this Page Extension code - it pulls the PO number from the first line of the warehouse activity lines of the put-away:
pageextension 51067 WAREHOUSE_PUTAWAYS extends "Warehouse Put-aways"
field("PurchaseOrderNo"; PurchaseOrderNo)
ApplicationArea = All;
Caption = 'Purchase Order No.';
ToolTip = 'Purchase Order No.';
trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
WarehouseActivityLine: Record "Warehouse Activity Line";
WarehouseActivityLine.SetRange("Action Type", WarehouseActivityLine."Action Type"::Take);
WarehouseActivityLine.SetRange("No.", rec."No.");
if WarehouseActivityLine.FindSet() then
PurchaseOrderNo := WarehouseActivityLine."Source No."
PurchaseOrderNo := '';
add to previous response, warehouse receipts and warehouse put-aways could potentially be handling more than one source document. For example, user could create a warehouse put away to pull in multiple warehouse receipts or other inbound documents. If this is your process, it won't be advisable to have the source no. displayed. However, if you handle those on an order by order basis, you may have a dev to display the source no. for your convenience. Per screenshot below, BC doesn't display source no. out of box, even it shows on the document. Hope it helps answering your question.
Could there be different POs in the lines? If the answer is yes, it would not be correct to put it in the header. If the answer is no, you could do a development to obtain the first PO found in the line and show it in the header, you could use the flowfied/Lookup functionality.
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