I am looking at the sopCustomerPricing window in modifier. There are 5 tables referenced. Is there anyway to determine how these table are linked?
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I am looking at the sopCustomerPricing window in modifier. There are 5 tables referenced. Is there anyway to determine how these table are linked?
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I figured it out. There are two fields each in the RM00500 and SOP10204 tables with designate the type of link and the ID. In this case I am linking customers so the type is C and the id is the customer ID. I should have figured it out earlier. Must not have been one of my better days. Thanks for everybody's help
I would install the software development kit and look in there. Here is a link to download it. msdn.microsoft.com/.../bb467597.aspx
Hi John,
Thanks for the links. Actually what I needed was the kind of information you get with report writer tables. You can check the tables used to create the report and see how that link to each other. I was wondering if there was a similar feature in modified that I was not seeing. I can generally second guess how tables relate but in this case I have not idea how the customer master [rm00101] links to any of the the other tables included in the form and yet when you open the form in Dynamics and select a customer it defaults to a specific extended price book. Best I can tell it's magic. None of the sop tables listed includes a field for the customer ID and the customer master does not appear to have a field that relates to any of the sop tables used on the form. This is why I wanted to know if there was a way to determine how specific table are linked to pull data to a form.
Hey Chuck,
Hopefully, the following resources will set you on the right track.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/.../cc543582.aspx (Microsoft)
http://victoriayudin.com/.../sop-tables (Victoria Yudin)
http://dyndeveloper.com/DynTable.aspx?ModuleID=SOP (DynDeveloper)
Let me know how it goes,
André Arnaud de Cal...
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