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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...

Confirmation of Purchase Order acceptance by Vendor

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Hi there.

A basic process that i'm fairly sure most organisations using Business Central will go through when raising a purchase order on a Vendor is to confirm that the vendor has received the P/O and that it's been accepted.  There is a field in the purchase order [Vendor order number], but this field is not surfaced on the primary purchase order summary screen (showing all open purchase order), so there's no way of filtering or showing P/O's that have no Vendor Order Number.  

Anybody figured out a neat way of flagging when an order has been 'confirmed' by a vendor?  Entering a promised receipt date would be a start, but again - the field isn't available to include in the standard purchase order summary screen.  

For any company that has sent a P/O and it's (for whatever reason) failed to get to the vendor, and then found out 10 days later that the product/goods/services you ordered aren't going to show up when expected... that' can cause some serious headaches!!  I want to create a flow to email the vendor if we haven't received confirmation within 48 hours.

I'm interest to understand how other users manage this process.


  • chris_7777au Profile Picture
    chris_7777au 95 on at
    RE: Confirmation of Purchase Order acceptance by Vendor

    Mah you got it.  I had " instead of ''

    Thanks everybody for your guidance.

  • Suggested answer
    MahGah Profile Picture
    MahGah 15,435 on at
    RE: Confirmation of Purchase Order acceptance by Vendor

    Just a quick note here that the " is not " it is two of ' which is like this''

  • Suggested answer
    S.Kawamura Profile Picture
    S.Kawamura 1,520 on at
    RE: Confirmation of Purchase Order acceptance by Vendor

    That's weird.. It filters correctly in my environment. 
    Could you try the following steps?

    "Vendor Order No." field can be added to this list page.

    Select a line whose "Vendor Order No." is not blank in this list page and choose "Filter to This value".

    The "Vendor Order No." will then appear in the filter pane.

    Then try copy-pasting the following values into the filter criteria

    Would this still not work?

    I hope it works out well.


  • chris_7777au Profile Picture
    chris_7777au 95 on at
    RE: Confirmation of Purchase Order acceptance by Vendor

    Hi there Shinichi.  

    Thanks for responding.  When I go into the purchase order summary page and apply the filter to the field Vendor Order Number as you have, the purchase orders WITH an assigned vendor order number are still appearing.  Given the field Vendor Order Number cannot be added to the columns, is there a possibility that the filter won't work (i.e. the available filter fields include fields that are not available to add to the page).  

    To be honest - I didn't think the field list that you could filter on would be different than the fields you could insert/apply to the page.

    Any ideas?

  • Verified answer
    S.Kawamura Profile Picture
    S.Kawamura 1,520 on at
    RE: Confirmation of Purchase Order acceptance by Vendor


    The easiest way to pick out purchase orders whose "Vendor Requisition Number" is not blank and display them on the Purchase Order List page is as follows.
    1. Press the Filter button in the upper right corner.
    2. Specify "Vendor Order No." as the filter field in the filter pane displayed on the left side, and specify "<>''" as the value of the filter condition.
    To verify that this filter is functioning properly, you can view the Page Inspection Pane. Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 and the page inspection pane will appear on right side. The value of the record selected on the list page is then displayed. This includes fields not shown on the list page.

    This filter condition can be saved by pressing the Save button in the Filter pane. You can then easily restore the filter condition at any time.

    I hope this helps you.


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