According to the eConnect Programmers Guide, tax values can be set at the header level by settings values on the `<taSopHderIvcInsert>` XML node along with the `<taSopLineIvcTaxInsert>` XML node. However, it would appear that updates are not allowed (for some unknown reason).
As far as I can tell, and what the documentation states, we should be including all the correct data, but if we pass in a `taSopLineIvcTaxInsert_ItemsTaSopLineIvcTaxInsert` object (which gets serialized to the `<taSopLineIvcTaxInsert>` node), eConnect throws the exception:
Number = 795 Stored Procedure= taSopLineIvcTaxInsert Error Description = Tax detail already exists Node Identifier Parameters: taSopLineIvcTaxInsert…
We’ve tried the following methods:
- Directly updating SOP10105 record in a POST stored Proc and not passing in the <taSopLineIvcTaxInsert> XML node (via C#)
- Directly deleting SOP10105 record in a PRE stored Proc and always passing in the <taSopLineIvcTaxInsert> XML node (via C#) to allow GP to repopulate
- Directly deleting SOP10105 record via a SQL query in C# before passing anything to GP, and allowing GP to repopulate as necessary
- Directly updating SOP10105 & SOP10100 via SQL query in C# after GP ran through its lifecycle
Are there any other tables associated with tax calculations? I’m consistently getting the following exception whether or not I have a non-zero tax in SOP10100 and whether or not there is a 10105 record at all:
Error Number = 8329 Stored Procedure= taSopHdrRecalc Error Description = Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount - manual tax changes are not supported on Updates
(it’s very possible my manual changes have messed up a reference I’m unaware of, which is why I asked about the unequal tax amount)
Any guidance you can give on this issue would be most appreciated.
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