We recently configured Quick Send for a customer and one of the issues we ran into was with their customized AR statement, which would print blank if you did a print preview. We found this article, which helped solve this problem, but introduced other issues: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2722450/customized-ar-statement-08-600-00-report-prints-incorrectly-when-you-u
The recommendation is to remove the select criteria ({ar08600_wrk.ri_id}=tonumber(riparam("RI_ID")) and {AR08600_wrk.ASID} = 0))
from the selection formula in Crystal on the format that you are using for Quick Send, but the problem with this is that it effectively removes the RptCompany table from the query that runs (as is the case in the standard 08600PP report), meaning that if you end up with records stuck in the AR08600_wrk table (if the screen ever crashes when printing statements and the post process to clear out the table never runs), or if multiple people run statements at once, you end up with records in your report that were created as part of a separate AR08600_wrk table population process/statement run. I imagine that this select criteria was included in the report originally to prevent this problem, and this workaround is a lazy attempt at fixing one problem while removing a fix for a separate problem. Is this really the best solution? The problem is that the users cannot print preview a report and see the same result as what will go through Quick Send if records are ever stuck in AR08600_wrk (which the users don't have any way of knowing is happening).
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