I'm having a problem combining dimensions in my column definition. My accounts consist of a 3-digit Department segment followed by a 6-digit Main segment, and a 3-digit Suffix.
I'm trying to code a Dimension Filter to include all accounts in departments 500 & 510, plus all Main segments that start with '573' no matter what department.
If I code this in the filter, I get all the 573xxx accounts, for all departments:
+Main = [573*]
If I code this, I get all the accounts in departments 500 & 510 only:
+Department = [500] +Department = [510]
But if I code this, I only get accounts 573xxx in departments 500 & 510:
+Main = [573] +Department = [510] +Department {500]
It appears to be combining all the criteria together, rather than treating them separately. By the way, I entered the values on separate lines in the Dimensions window (what appears when you double-click in the Dimension Filter box).
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