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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Citrix Performance Issues

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Posted on by 7,365

I was wondering if someone could give some suggestion on where to look to troubleshoot slow Citrix performance issues.  Here's the scenario:

We use Citrix for all GP 10.0 Access, published app.

I have a user that is dreadfully slow opening windows and generally navigating around GP.  Selecting Area pages, drilling into windows etc..

I have no such problems on the same Citrix server at the same time same windows, same navigation, etc.  Distance is not an issue because we sit right near one another.

I was under the assumption that the processing was done server side, meaning the window launch is done on the Citrix server and just presented to the user.

Fact:  Her computer is a little worse than mine.  But I still didn't think that mattered with a Citrix published app.

 What could be the cause?

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  • K Day Profile Picture
    K Day 7,365 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Citrix Performance Issues

    Well, it ended up deleting the user Citrix Profile and then re-adding was the solution.  I don't know why, maybe just years of profile files clogging up her profile, but it worked.  It actually worked for another user experiencing the same issues as well.  Wish I had a better answer of "Why"

  • K Day Profile Picture
    K Day 7,365 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Citrix Performance Issues

    I have been back to troubleshooting this again.  I have determined that this definitely has to do with a Citrix profile because I browsed around to show her how fast my GP was, then had her log into my Citrix Program neighborhood, launched GP and even with me logging into GP, it was slow as well.  I will try to take the suggestion above and have the IT guys use FILEMON to see what is happening and see if I can't pick anything up.

  • Tom @ HNNCSB Profile Picture
    Tom @ HNNCSB 900 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Citrix Performance Issues

    We have GP 10 here and it runs on Citrix XenApp on Windows 2008 virtual servers.  To me the application seems to have fine performance given the complexity of it.  With Citrix XenApp (or Presentation Server), the more memory you can give the server, the better.  We had a test server and it was very slow until I added more memory.   Also take a look at how many connections you have on your Citrix server.  On Windows 2008 64-bit, you can have 100+ users, assuming you have memory and CPU to support that.  Cut that in half if you have 32-bit servers. 

     Looking at your resources, do you see any CPU/memory spikes holding at 100% or near 100% for a long time?

     One thing I do here is to user Terminal Server profiles and set the local cache profiles to delete upon exit.  I had some issues with local cached profiles eating up space.

  • K Day Profile Picture
    K Day 7,365 on at
    Re: Re: Citrix Performance Issues

     I checked these files and for her companies, the files sizes are 8k and 4k respectively.  Mine are 32k and 4k.

    I am just going to have to do some old fashioned trouble shooting, having her log on to my Citrix, me log on to hers etc.  One problem is that I am not in charge of the Citrix environments, but am the GP guy. I'm trying to figure out if the is is a GP issue or a Citrix issue. I am an only an administrator on a QA Citrix box, but that box is slow for her as well so I should be able to troubleshoot there.

    Thanks for the help and I'll let you know what I find out.

  • Gavin Whittaker Profile Picture
    Gavin Whittaker 295 on at
    Re: Citrix Performance Issues


    Sorry to hear clearing the auto complete didn't work in this situation however can you check one final thing on this subject please.

    On one of the Citrix servers can you go to the following locaiton (just replace the %username% with the username of your user, and the %GPcompanyname% with the company they log into the most)

    "\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\Microsoft Business Solutions\Microsoft Dynamics GP\%GPcompanydatabase%\"

    How big is the AutoCmpl.dat and Autocmpl.idx files in this folder? If you then look at the same files for your username are they any different? I found the file to be over 1MB in size thus causing the speed issues. In this situation I just deleted these files however clearing auto complete should do the same thing.

    Just for info here's the situation I had with regards Auto complete files causing problems with speed:

    1) A user logged onto a PC as himself and then logged into GP as a generic user (I think it was "warehouse")
    2) Browsing around GP was very slow. Opening one particular window took 10-15seconds.

    3) A different domain user logged onto the same PC and then logged into GP as the same generic GP user
    4) Browsing around GP was very fast. Opening the window in question took less than 1 second.

    I used FILEMON to monitor the files being accessed in both scenarios and found the file "c:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\Microsoft Business Solutions\Microsoft Dynamics GP\%GPcompanydatabase%\AutoCmpl.dat" was being accessed hundreds if not thousands of times. For the user who was slow this file was about 1.5MB and the user who was fast it was 12KB. I therefore deleted this file (effectively removing autocomplete) for the user who was slow and this resvoled the issue. (then a few months later I stumbled across the document on partnersource explaining issues with auto complete and speed)

    I could be barking up the wrong tree however it just sounds very similar to me.


  • Victoria Yudin Profile Picture
    Victoria Yudin 22,766 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Citrix Performance Issues

    Have you tried using a different Windows user to see if it's a Windows profile possibly causing the problem?  Is GP the only app that is slow from this laptop on the Citrix servers?  Everything else performs as it does for other users/computers?

  • K Day Profile Picture
    K Day 7,365 on at
    Re: Re: Citrix Performance Issues

     Thanks for the suggestions everyone.  The clearing of the auto complete did not work and we aren't using AA.

    Also, we use multiple (6) Citrix servers for load balancing as well as one for QA.  And this happens on every one of the servers, which leads me to believe that it is her laptop, but again, her laptop isn't that bad, has almost 4 gigs of RAM and it still doesn't make sense to me why her laptop would affect performance when being served a Citrix app.

  • Re: Citrix Performance Issues

    Are you using Analytical Accounting?  There are issues with performace over Citrix when using Analytical Accounting.

  • Gavin Whittaker Profile Picture
    Gavin Whittaker 295 on at
    Re: Citrix Performance Issues


    Sorry about the earlier post - not sure what happened there.

    You could try clearing the autocomplete for this user. (this can be done via the User Preferences windows, just click "Auto complete" and remove entries)

    Its mentioned in partnersource document ID 898982 and it resolved a very similar situation I had at a client site opening windows etc. (although this isn't specific to Citrix I'm hoping it will help you as well)

    Hope this helps



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