I have to fulfill a business requirement where we report as finished a quantity (using production floor execution) and then split that quantity/LP into several license plates and simultaneously print a label for each LP.
I explored two paths :
- Split put-away : putting aside the label printing this option works. We can split the put and generate a different target LP for each quantity. The problem is that the label is printed just after the picking because we cannot add a print step after the put-away.
- Full LP : the problem we encountered with the first option made us think about performing the split during the picking step. I know of the option /Full/ to indicate that the LP is full and then enter the quantity on the LP. that way we have the needed flexibility to split into several LPs. However, I was surprised that this option is not available with the work order type /finished goods put-away/ (only with Sales orders, transfer orders, raw material picking).
It is to note that the entire quantity will not be split into equal quantities.
My questions are :
- Is there other potential solution to implement this requirement?
- Why the option /Full/ is not available for finished goods put-away? I am asking this to see if there's any risk trying to cutomize to make it available.
Thank you all for your help and interactions :)