I've deployed an AL extension to a BC V20 On-Prem system. In the extension there's a permissionset.al file generated using 'AL: Generate permission set as AL object containing current extension objects' facility in in Visual Studio Code. One of the permissions described in this AL file is: 'codeunit CustomTrialBalancePopulator=X,' . I have assigned this permission set in the User Card of the current user and logged out of BC and back in again. Why then am I getting the error: You do not have the following permissions on CodeUnit CustomTrialBalancePopulator: Execute?
Interestingly, the pages and tables also described in the permission set are successfully displayed
Version: GB Business Central 20.0 (Platform 20.0.37114.38150 + Application 20.0.37253.38230)
Here's the permission set:
permissionset 50000 CustomFuncsYW
Assignable = true;
Permissions = tabledata TrialBalanceByDim=RIMD,
tabledata TrialBalByDimParams=RIMD,
table TrialBalanceByDim=X,
table TrialBalByDimParams=X,
report CustomTrialBalanceByDim=X,
codeunit CustomTrialBalancePopulator=X,
page TrialBalanceByDim=X,
page TrialBalByDimParams=X,
query GleDv1=X;