Re: Duplicate payroll check number
Hi George,
Thanks for the forum question on payroll duplicate checks today. That void window can be picky with duplicate checks.
Some good news on this front as it is common for customers to have this issue is in GP 2013, our next release due to release December 2012, we are going to warn you if there are duplicate checks and allow you to over-ride it and print a report of the duplicates, so this should help immensely with this problem.
For now, I'm not sure I would recommend to change the check number, but that is up to you. If you run this script, you will see check number is in other tables. We may also have a disconnect with Bank Rec and General Ledger if you change it in payroll.
select * from sysobjects o, syscolumns c
where =
and o.type = 'U'
and = 'cheknmbr'
order by
What customers may do in this case is do a negative manual check to back out the payroll, like a void.
Here is a article as well around this.
Terry Heley