Hi Jay,
Report write will work for this. You can do it by using the Vendor ID available in the report table's (1009s To Print Temporary File) field list in the tool box of report writer.
1. Create a calculated Field 'Vendor Name'
a. Select calculated Fields in the Tool box dropdown and click on New. This opens Caluclated Field Definition window.
b. Enter 'VendorName' in the Name field.
c. Set Result Type dropdown to String
d. Click on Functions tab and select User-define option.
e. Select Core: drop down to Purchasing.
f. In the Function: drop down select function 'RW_Get_Vendor_Name' click on Add.
g. Now select Fields Tab and select '1009s To Print Temporary File' in the Resources: dropdown.
h. Select 'Vendor ID' in the Field: Dropdown. Click on Add.
i. Save this Calc Field Definition by clicking on OK button on the window.
2. Now you can see the new Calc field in the Calc Field List of Tool box>>Calculated Fields
3. Replace 'Vendor Check Name' with this Calc Field.
4. Save the report.
PS: This is a modified report hence need to change the repot to print from Original to Modified using 'Alternate Modified Forms and Reports' window (MS Dynamics GP>>Tools>>Setup>>System>>Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports )
Hope this helps.