Client recently did a test migration from FRx to Management Reporter using AA. In validating the data, the Balance sheet figures tied out correct. The Income Statement balances did not. The balance does not tie to the data in the GL or in FRx.
We ran the report in FRx and the balance ties to Dynamics GP but in MR, the balance is incorrect and when drilling down to the transaction level, there are several JE transactions that are not included in the balance. None of the accounts in question have AA codes related to them, just basic JE transactions.
I validated that the 'Dynamics GP with AA' option was set for the company but every time I got back to the Company Setup wizard, it shows that 'Dynamics GP' is the option set, as if the 'Dynamics GP with AA' was not set. I checked the Event Logs and there are no errors related to running the report so it is a data issue. But again, the reports run fine in FRx, it is just MR that is not pulling all the data.
Even if I create a basic TB report with a new row and basic column layout, I still don't have the information for GP being pulled into the report.
I know there were a lot of bugs fixed in SP2 related to AA, but they are running MR 2.00.1700.66 on the test server, and I validated that the Provider, Server, and Client are all running the same version.
I thought about running checklinks in GP for the GL, but I know there are issues with running Checklinks for AA in GP 2010 so I am not sure what the next steps would be.
Anyone encounter this before
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