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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Number sequences for Travel and Expense module

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Is it just me, or there is no form where you can set up the T&E number sequences in AX2012?

The T&E parameters form does not have "number sequences" tab, and I cannot find that setup anywhere else.

I am left with setting the module from the number sequence form, which is not very convenient

Is there something I am missing here?

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  • dillonb Profile Picture
    dillonb 315 on at
    RE: Number sequences for Travel and Expense module

    Jumping on Andre's bandwagon.

    Not missing anything, annoyingly for certain modules you aren't able to access the number sequences from the parameters setup.

    Also for some reason we are not able to append "Reference" as a column to the list of number sequences even though this is available on the number sequence form in parameters for most modules...

  • Verified answer
    André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,111 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Number sequences for Travel and Expense module

    Hi Zvika,

    It's not only the T&E number sequences. I was looking for some basic and organization numbersequences as well.

    Unfortunately we indeed have to use the number sequence form for it. You can specify the Area and Reference as a filter, but then you first have to find out in which Area your number sequence should belong.

    Hope for improvement in R3...

  • ZvikaR Profile Picture
    ZvikaR 125 on at
    RE: Number sequences for Travel and Expense module

    I don't think this can be the answer, since there are other entities entered through the EP only (for example, a vendor request), and you still set up the number sequence for them in the rich client (like all other settings).

    One clue that I discovered so far is that some of the number sequences for T&E have a scope of "Legal Entity" (and not "company" as usual), hence they do not "fit" within the "normal" module parameters form.

  • Rana Profile Picture
    Rana 105 on at
    RE: Number sequences for Travel and Expense module

    hope i have answered your question

    Expense reports are entered through the Enterprise Portal. They cannot be entered through the rich client.Therefore you don not find the number sequence in rich client.  The expense report is in a typical header and lines format. The expense report header contains basic information about the report such as the employee, the location and the date. The lines contain the detail of the expense transactions.

    Employee payments has been disbursed through accounts payable module or general ledger by mapping employee as vendor from Human Resource Module.



  • Rana Profile Picture
    Rana 105 on at
    RE: Number sequences for Travel and Expense module


    Expense reports are entered through the Enterprise Portal. They cannot be entered through the rich client.Therefore you don not find the number sequence in rich client.  The expense report is in a typical header and lines format. The expense report header contains basic information about the report such as the employee, the location and the date. The lines contain the detail of the expense transactions.

    Employee payments has been disbursed through accounts payable module or general ledger by mapping employee as vendor from Human Resource Module.



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