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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

finding out which SLA item is attached to a particular case

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dear all

i do have one SLA defined in my system, this SLA contains more than 22 SLA items and number is increasing.

conditions in these SLA items is a bit complicated and in some scenarios, i find certain cases SLAs expiring but i dont know which SLA item is affecting (attached) my case.

i tried all combinations in advanced-find but with no luck.

any idea how to know for a certain case, which SLA item is attached to it?


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  • Ahmad Saud Profile Picture
    Ahmad Saud 790 on at
    RE: finding out which SLA item is attached to a particular case

    thanks Mr. Wei, but where is the SLA item name in the result?

  • Ahmad Saud Profile Picture
    Ahmad Saud 790 on at
    RE: finding out which SLA item is attached to a particular case

    Thanks Sunil, but still i cant find the SLA item name in this query.

  • Ahmad Saud Profile Picture
    Ahmad Saud 790 on at
    RE: finding out which SLA item is attached to a particular case

    Thanks a lot for your help Goutam

  • Verified answer
    gdas Profile Picture
    gdas 50,089 Moderator on at
    RE: finding out which SLA item is attached to a particular case

    Hi Ahmad ,

    Seems there is no relationship between SLAItesm and Case so its hard to show using advance find both Case and SLA Item fields. When you select case as parent entity you can not see the SLA Item entity and fields in the Add Column options in the Advanced Find view .

    So I tried to figure out to prepare the FetchXML first and then I execute it in XRMToolBox , FetchXML tester. Here is the Advanced find filter criteria which I choose . You need to select Case as parent and then under related entity you will find "Last SLA applied" , which will give you the list with the case and SLA which are associated. Make sure below filter criteria will give you all the cases , If you have large number of case then it will take time to retrieve all the case  so you can add another condition case so that you can get the cases which you need.


    Download the FetchXML and add the "SLA Items" entity attributes like  "Name"  in the FetchXML under linkentity of "SLA Items". 

    <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="true">
    <entity name="incident">
    <attribute name="title" />
    <attribute name="ticketnumber" />
    <attribute name="createdon" />
    <attribute name="caseorigincode" />
    <attribute name="incidentid" />
    <order attribute="title" descending="false" />
    <link-entity name="sla" from="slaid" to="slainvokedid" alias="ag">
    <attribute name="slatype" />
    <attribute name="name" />
    <attribute name="businesshoursid" />
    <link-entity name="slaitem" from="slaid" to="slaid" alias="bx">
    <attribute name="name" />
    <filter type="and">
    <condition attribute="name" operator="not-null" />

    Once you prepare the FetchXML you may run using Dynamics CRM Report . Here I have execute the fetchXML using XRMToolBox , FetchXML tester  utility and see the results.

    FetchXML Request using XRMToolBox , FetchXML tester.



    Hope this helps.

  • Suggested answer
    Alex Fun Wei Jie Profile Picture
    Alex Fun Wei Jie 33,626 on at
    RE: finding out which SLA item is attached to a particular case


    You can use below method to find out which case is associated with certain SLA item.

    Now i want to find all case that contain First response KPI.




    Now i want to find all cases that does not contain First response KPI



  • Sunil Narnaware Profile Picture
    Sunil Narnaware 25 on at
    RE: finding out which SLA item is attached to a particular case

    Another Option is Select SLA KPI Instance and select the record in Regarding (in my case I have selected the Case)


    The result gives me all the KPI instances, I selected the Noncompliant one as I have assigned SLA 2 (SLA item) to Resolve By KPI


    Which will give me the SLA item which is succeeded 


    Hope this helps.



  • Sunil Narnaware Profile Picture
    Sunil Narnaware 25 on at
    RE: finding out which SLA item is attached to a particular case

    Hi Ahmad,

    As per user guide, here is what I found.

    'You can add multiple SLA items and arrange them in the order that works for you. For any given KPI, only the first SLA item that matches the conditions in the Applicable When section is applied.', which means if the first applicable condition is met in 5th SLA item, then CRM won't proceed further.

    So need to figure out the SLA items conditions and the sequence in which you have arranged all your 22 SLA items.

    SLA items are run in the background as child processes. Here is what I did in Advanced find. I am considering the SLA is setup for Case entity.


    This would give you all the SLA items.


    But then I was trying to drill down further to know exactly which SLA item affected the Case, couldn't find it.

    But when I opened each result of SLA items from above Advanced Find Query and went to process sessions, I was able to find out which SLA item actually affected the case. See below screenshots.





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