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Contacts main form

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We are using both Dynamics Sales Pro and Dynamics Marketing. Both have a menu-item for contacts and using the same contacts database-table. When you open a contact it shows a main form for editing the contact. We customized this form but Sales and marketing both use a seperate main form. This means we have to customize both forms. I would like to tell Sales Pro to use the main form from marketing for editing contacts so we only need to customize and update only one form, but I can't find a way to do this.

Thanks !


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Contacts main form

    Hi Peter,

    Please feel free to ask any question. :)



  • TWS - PVB Profile Picture
    TWS - PVB 95 on at
    RE: Contacts main form

    Hi Clofly,

    That's exactly what I was looking for ! Couldn't find it by myself…

    Thanks again for your quick and to the point answers ! Saves me a lot of frustration as en newbee in this product range...

    Kind regards,


  • Verified answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Contacts main form

    Hi Peter,

    Are your Marketing and Sales Pro in same instance?

    If they are in same instance/environment, which means they share same system settings, thus we could just customize one form for both applications.

     e.g: In one of my instance, there is a Marketing application and a Sales Team Member application, they share same Contact form.



    Sales Team Member:


    They have same organization URL:

    In my tenant, Sales Pro and Marketing have different organizations(or belong to different instances),

    Marketing app is in, Sales Pro app is in

    So I need to customize them separately.

    However, if you could confirm that your Marketing app and Sales Pro app are in same organization,

    then it is possible to make Contact entity in them share one form. 

    In Sales Pro app, the default(or the only one) form is "Sales Professional", we can find the only allowed form when open Sales Pro in app designer.


    Navigate to Contact > Forms,

    we will find that by default, only "Sales Professional" form is checked, we could enable more forms to be available in Saless Pro app.

    In general, "Contact" form is the default form for Contact entity in most of applications.(also Marketing, but you could confirm it in your environment.)


    Then we could set a default form for Contact entity in Sales Pro app with tutorial below:



  • TWS - PVB Profile Picture
    TWS - PVB 95 on at
    RE: Contacts main form

    Hi Clofly,

    Thanks for your answer, but that's not the problem I meant : database is ok. We see same contacts in Sales as in Marketing. Only the form that opens a contact to edit it is different. And this form we customised it in Marketing, but sales uses an other form so we have to cutomize voth. My qustion was : can't we use the same form in sales and Marketing ?

    Kind regards,


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Contacts main form

    Hi Peter,

    From your description, it seems that your organization has two instances, one for Dynamics Sales Pro and another for Dynamics Marketing, thus contacts are actually saved in different databases.(Is your instances listed as below?)


    If so, due to they are separate environments, we need a connector to link them together:

    When we update a contact record in Marketing -> Check whether the contact we're editing is existed in Sales Pro ->

    If the contact is also existed in Sales Pro, update specific field with data from contact in Marketing.

    The synchronization work could be done using a flow from Power Automate.


    Overview of flow:


    ?: When a record is updated:

    It means when we edited and saved a contact record in Marketing 


    ?: List records:

    Check whether the edited contact exists in Sales Pro database.

    My filter here is firstname eq '' and lastname eq '' and emailaddress1 eq ''

    (eq data from updated contact)(quotation mark is required)


    ?: Check whether a same contact exists in Sales Pro.

    (ContactId is not equal to null)

    Due to our operation is "list records", so "Apply to each" action will be added automatically.


    ?: Update the existing contact in Sales Pro with data from Marketing.

    (But record identifier field data should be from step 2, the existing contact in Sales Pro.)



    If we update job title of a Marketing contact, then job title of corresponding contact in Sales Pro will also get updated.



    A successful flow when a contact exists in both Marketing and Sales Pro


    A flow when there is no matching contact in Sales Pro


    Marketing contact:


    Sales Pro contact:




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