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Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Integration, Dataverse...

Roll-up Queries in dynamics 365 for sales

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Hello Community Experts,

I would like to learn about roll-up queries

Could anybody please guide me on when to use it and how to work with that concept?

Kindly guide,

Best Regards,

Sumaira Noor

  • happysingh0009 Profile Picture
    happysingh0009 160 on at
    RE: Roll-up Queries in dynamics 365 for sales

    i want to use rollup query result in workflow. I used rollup query on contacts and now i want to send email to resultant contacts. but in workflow there is no option to provide dynamic email.

  • Sumaira Noor Profile Picture
    Sumaira Noor 1,077 on at
    RE: Roll-up Queries in dynamics 365 for sales

    Thanks for the help ba365guy and Akash Jain

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Roll-up Queries in dynamics 365 for sales

    Hi Partner,

    Here's a brief description about rollup query 

    Rollup query

    Rollup queries help you gather data about a goal and all child goals. Thinking back to the business scenario about goals, XYZ’s sales managers wanted sales people on their team to track individual goals. A rollup query can be used to gather the data to measure the goals against.

    Here is an example of a Rollup Query to measure a sales rep’s actual revenue. We want to measure “Won” Opportunities where the Actual Revenue is greater than $100 and the Account related to the Opportunity has an Account Type of “Customer”.


    Creating rollup queries
    To create a rollup query, follow these steps:
    1. Start CRM, go to the Sales module, and then click on Rollup Queries.
    2. On the Rollup Queries ribbon bar, in the Records group, click on New.


    3. Enter the following required fields:
    i. Name: Enter a clear, concise name for the rollup query
    ii. Owner: Defaults to the currently logged in user
    iii. Entity Type: Define the entity for which this query will be run
    4. Under Query, use the controls to add the criteria for your query. The criteria that you can add depends on the entity type you have chosen.
    5. To test the query, click on View Records.
    6. Click on Save and Close.

  • Verified answer
    ba365guy Profile Picture
    ba365guy 2,948 on at
    RE: Roll-up Queries in dynamics 365 for sales

    When ever KPIs are produced against these goals, the condition in the roll-up query will be considered. 

    The records resulted based on the roll-up query will be considered against the total goal amount (or quantity) mentioned in goal. 

    The resultant records will not be displayed here.

    If you want to see the records, it will be visible in the roll-up query itself. On click on "View Records"

    The main intention of this is to create a filtering criteria to roll up the total amount (or quantity) to compare with the target goal. 

  • Sumaira Noor Profile Picture
    Sumaira Noor 1,077 on at
    RE: Roll-up Queries in dynamics 365 for sales

    Thanks again for the response ba365guy.

    I have added the roll-up query along with goal metrics to goal.

    How will the roll up query result be and where to see the result?


    Kindly guide,

    Best Regards,

    Sumaira Noor

  • Verified answer
    ba365guy Profile Picture
    ba365guy 2,948 on at
    RE: Roll-up Queries in dynamics 365 for sales

    one of the main application is to configure Goals, Goal metrics

  • Sumaira Noor Profile Picture
    Sumaira Noor 1,077 on at
    RE: Roll-up Queries in dynamics 365 for sales

    Thanks for the response ba365guy.

    I'm able to create roll-up queries but I'm not understanding where it will be used and when.

    I mean, Is it used to only view records within the roll-up form or it has other uses also?


    Please guide

    Best Regards,

    Sumaira Noor

  • Verified answer
    ba365guy Profile Picture
    ba365guy 2,948 on at
    RE: Roll-up Queries in dynamics 365 for sales

    You might want to take a look at the following:

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