Hello community, I work with a MS partner, and we have a prospect who deals with vending machines. I'm looking for a solution - either an ISV or an app/extension. Any suggestions are welcome.
Hello community, I work with a MS partner, and we have a prospect who deals with vending machines. I'm looking for a solution - either an ISV or an app/extension. Any suggestions are welcome.
Honestly I could not find any solution here.
You can look into some retail solution and see if they work for your purpose (each machine is a location similar to retail concept) https://www.lsretail.com/products/ls-central-for-retail/microsoft-dynamics-365-erp
The other method is if their vending machine has some programing capabilities then look into below. maybe use Azure ioT then use API and bring the data to BC https://microsoft.github.io/techcasestudies/iot/2016/11/08/GumpCome.html
Or see solution like below works for their vending machine then if solution supports API to connect to BC https://www.adlinktech.com/en/Remote_Distributed_Vending_Machine_Maintenance
looking for an addon to BC. Track inventory, machine service and maybe field service. thanks in advance.
Hi, you can try to find your solution in AppSource.
Hope this helps.
Can you provide more info? Do you want to connect vending machine to BC and then get a live inventory data? Or want it as POS? or ...
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