Here is a script to automate RMS backup using Powershell. Add the script as a scheduled task to run regularly. If the backup fails an email will be sent out with the error messages
copy lines below
This Script will backup a MSSQL Database to two folders
Set the number of backups by changing the $BackupNumber Variable
For example if you set $backupNumber to 3, Three backup files will be
created before the oldest gets overwritten,
After the backup is created the latest file will be copied to the
second folder. The second folder may be on a share on the network
or a portable device.
If the backup fails, a e-mail message will be sent with error details.
Written by Jozsef Gitta 04-15-2014
Tested with Powershell 4
#import SQL Server module
Import-Module SQLPS -DisableNameChecking
$instanceName = "Localhost"
$server = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server -ArgumentList $instanceName
#This sets the connection to mixed-mode authentication
#This sets the login name
#This sets the password
#Number of copies to keep
$BackupNumber = 4
# Set Database Name
$DatabaseName = "yourdatabasename"
# Set Backup Folders
$BackupFolder1 = "C:\Backup\"
$BackupFolder2 = "C:\Temp\"
$backupFile = "$($databasename)_1.bak"
$FullBackupFile = Join-Path $BackupFolder1 $BackupFile
#Delete the oldest files from both folders
if (Test-Path "$($backupfolder1)$($databasename)_$($backupNumber).bak") { Remove-Item "$($backupfolder1)$($databasename)_$($backupNumber).bak" }
if (Test-Path "$($backupfolder2)$($databasename)_$($backupNumber).bak") { Remove-Item "$($backupfolder2)$($databasename)_$($backupNumber).bak" }
for ($a = $BackupNumber; $a -ge 1; $a--)
if (Test-Path "$($backupfolder1)$($databasename)_$($a-1).bak") { Rename-Item "$($backupfolder1)$($databasename)_$($a-1).bak" "$($backupfolder1)$($databasename)_$($a).bak" }
if (Test-Path "$($backupfolder2)$($databasename)_$($a-1).bak") { Rename-Item "$($backupfolder2)$($databasename)_$($a-1).bak" "$($backupfolder2)$($databasename)_$($a).bak" }
Backup-SqlDatabase `
-ServerInstance $instanceName `
-Database $databasename `
-BackupFile $fullBackupFile `
-Checksum `
-Initialize `
-BackupSetName "$databasename Full Backup" `
-CompressionOption Off
Copy-Item "$($backupfolder1)$($databasename)_1.bak" "$($backupfolder2)$($databasename)_1.bak"
Catch # If backup fails send email with error message.
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
# Email Parameters
# For Gmail use Authentication credentials and SSL
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "youremailpassword" -AsPlainText -Force
$mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("", $secpasswd)
$param = @{
To = ''
From = ''
Subject = "Database $($DatabaseName) Backup Failed"
body = "Database $($DatabaseName) Backup Failed <br />Error Message: $($ErrorMessage). <br />Failed Item: $($FailedItem)"
SmtpServer = ''
BodyAsHtml = $true
Port = 587
UseSsl = $true
Credential = $mycreds
Send-MailMessage @param
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