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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Filter an Option Set

Posted on by Microsoft Employee


Is it possible to filter an option set based on the value select in a lookup?

I have a lookup with 9 different teams, I also have an option set with different tasks that those teams are in charge to do.

But I want that every time that somebody chooses a different team, the options set shows just the tasks related with the team they choose.

Is that possible?  

I'm learning CRM not very sure how to do something like that!!


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  • Suggested answer
    RaviKashyap Profile Picture
    RaviKashyap 55,410 on at
    RE: Filter an Option Set


    There is a sample of deoendent optionset in sdk. Take a look and see if suits your requirement.

  • Suggested answer
    Aric Levin Profile Picture
    Aric Levin 30,188 on at
    RE: Filter an Option Set

    Another choice is to have Filtered Lookups.

    The second lookup will be an entity that will contain a field for the value, and another field containing a lookup to the first entity.

    Think of a scenario having an entity for States and Cities.

    The first lookup will have the State, when you select the State, it will auto populate in the second lookup the list of cities for that state.

    See the following article explaining how this works.

  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,323 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Filter an Option Set


    Here is overview how you can control list of items displayed in optionset -

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