One of our sales rep asked if we could see if one of the sales quotes he generated got converted to a sales order while he was on leave. All he was able to give us is the quote number which we were able to find under the Archived Sales Quotes list.
But we can't seem to find the order that was generated from it (if one was generated). Is this not possible?
I can see that some sales orders retain their sales quote number in the header card. But how can we find the sales order from the archived quote?
Hi BilginOzkan,
You can find the sales quote field in the sales header table.
On the sales order page, you can see Quote No. field if that sales order is created from the quote.
You mentioned that you have the quote number, so you can filter by the quote number in the sales order list page to find the sales order created using that quote. This way, you can easily locate the sales order instead of finding it from the archived quote.
Hope this helps.
Doesn't Archived Sales Quotes have same as quote no.? it should be same as from Quote No.s
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