In the image below, you can see how I have attempted to set up this workflow. In the standard 'purchase invoice approval workflow,' I selected '(+) add record restriction' in the first line. I then added the following rule: 'Create an approval request for the record using approver type Approver and approver limit type Specific Approver.' So, the purchaser is the employee who assesses the invoice, and the approver should be the one from the finance department (Joel). However, the system uses the person who booked the invoice as the approver, rather than the person designated as the approver according to the settings below. How can I resolve this, or should I approach it differently?
To clarify, I would like the following situation:
Suzanne books invoice > chooses purchaser Johan > apporval workflow to Johan (purchaser) and joel (approver ID)
The current situation is as follows:
Suzanne books invoice > chooses purchaser Johan > apporval workflow to Johan (purchaser) and Suzanne (If she books the invoice, does the system consider her as the approver? If you look at the 'approval user setup,' I would expect them to choose Joel for this role.)