I have 2 different business structures.
One is a distribution and another is cash and carry wholesale store.
But l will use one item master data for both businesss.
I have few questions about the default base unit.
( Base unit =smallest unit , default base unit =standard unit)
I think the base unit ( smallest unit) is "each" for store level but distribution is "case". But the default base unit which will effect on inventory and report has to be selling unit. However, l am not sure what is the best based on purpose.
1. What is my best default base unit can be ?
For distribution, purchasing unit is case or pallet and selling unit to our wholesale store is case. The stock unit is also case.
For wholesale store, purchasing unit is case but selling unit is each, box, case. The stock unit is case.
2. For unit conversion purpose which will effect to cost and price, should l assign all default base unit as "each" regradless of selling unit ?
3. For inventory control, should l assign default base unit as "case" for both DT and Store?
4. For report, should l assign the default base unit as selling unit for each item?
5. Can business central let me manage master item data separately for each DT and Store? Even l have one master item data?
I know l could assign default selling unit and default purchasing unit but my major concern is l am sure which unit should l assign for default base unit.
Would you help me on this? I really do not know what to do.
Thank you~