We are currently implementing Dynamics 365 across multiple business units at the University (which is the first time my own unit is sharing information on the Accounts with other business units).
Previously we would maintain the accounts (which, in our case, the organization type for these accounts was always "school"), but now with other business units involved, the same "school" that we use may be labeled "non-profit", "private" etc.
Now the discussion around the table is to have the organization type dedicated to the other units (such as the Executive education division) with the values of profit, non-profit, public, thus giving the other units full use of the this field and removing the "school" type completely. And instead, we add a new field call "account type" that shows values, high school, university, adult education etc. The reasoning, I was told, was that a high school to us is a school, however, to the exec education staff, they see it as a non-profit account where they can recruit and train staff. The downside of this is that we no longer have a field that binds all the "schools" under one category, (the users would just have to know that in order to find all "schools", they have to individually pick "high school, university, etc" out of the "account type" field.)
I'm pushing to have the organization type changed to a multi-select so an account can have more than one Org type (so that it can be a school AND a non-profit). However, I feel that the implementation consultants have fatigued our stakeholders (through rounds and rounds of repetitive requirement gathering meetings) into wanting less customization (although personally I feel that this is a very small one and the customization of new fields is relatively simple).
For current users of the dynamics CRM, is there any experience that you can share on this topic? Am I creating more trouble if I ask for the field to be multi-select? Or am I over-complicating things thinking that all the "schools" should be bound by a category?
We currently have roughly 8000 accounts and want to avoid any duplicates of accounts or efforts (especially now control and maintenance is going to be shared).
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