Re: 250 worksheets green flagged but not processed correctly
Hi Shawn
Thanks for the response.
We are running 3 instances of Hq server. This is something that was instigated by our RMS reseller to alleviate polling issues. The deadlock error is usually listed against the store not hq in the event log, and I am guessing that having multiple HQ servers wouldn't affect the store database as each store is assigned to one Hq server.
I am not sure how many stores were polling at the same time. We have 14 and they are all set to poll in a 10 minute window every hour. Please note the worksheets weren't red flagged, that’s the problem. They should have been red flagged as the event log shows an error, but the worksheet history doesn't show an error and they are green flagged. Subsequent 308 worksheets went pink (items not found in store database), on investigation the error in the event log was discovered.
Our 250 worksheets vary from a few, to a few hundred items. We try to keep them below 1000. Of the three that should have been red flagged but weren't, 1 had 353, 1 had 118, and 1 had 4 items in.
We get red worksheets very frequently, sometimes several a day. Green worksheets that should be red are less frequent but more annoying. Maybe 1 a week on average. They usually occur when we are creating new items and there are a lot of 250 and 308 worksheets being put through.
If we run another identical 250 it has always gone through.