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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...

Rounding of amounts leads to inconsistency-error while posting. Advise needed.

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Hello everyone,

I have a Sales Return Order which is in USD-currency.
The Currency Factor is 1.3856

The Sales Return Oder has one line. A discount was entered.

Item No. Quantity Unit Price (USD) Line Discount % Line Amount Line Discount Amount
1001 1 32.00 20 25.60 6.40

So far so good.

Now, when I post the Return Order, I do receive the inconsistent-error:
The transaction cannot be completed because it will cause inconsistencies in the G/L Entry table. Check where and how the CONSISTENT function is used in the transaction to find the reason for the error. Contact your system administrator.

And, there is actually an inconsistency.
Looking into the Posting Preview, I can see the following numbers and how they add up:

G/L Account Amount (LCY)
Discount Account -4,62
Credit Memo Account 23,09
Customer Receivable Account -18,48

The problem is the sum of the Discount Acc. and the Credit Memo Acc: 23,09 - 4,62 = 18,47
Because the sum does not equal the amount of the Customer Receivable Account, the posting is aborted with the inconsitency-error.

The difference of 0,01 occurs because of the Currency Factor.
Please see below table as explanation:

G/L Account Amount (USD) Currency Factor Amount (LCY) Rounded Amount (LCY)
Discount Account -6,40 1.3856 -4,618937644341801 -4,62
Credit Memo Account 32 1.3856 23,094688221709007 23,09
Customer Receivable Account -25,60 1.3856 -18,475750577367206 -18,48
Total 0 -0,01

So, the reason for the inconsistency is that the LCY amounts are rounded per Discount Account and Credit Memo individually. But the LCY amount posted into the Customer Receivable Account is taken from the Line Amount/Order Total.

I do understand the problem. But, is there a way in (standard) Business Central to handle such scenario?
I tried the Realized/Unrealized Gains from the Currency-setup & Customer Posting Setup. I also tried invoice rounding. Unfortunately, with no success.

Does someone here have an idea how to solve the inconsistency (without a code change)?
The inconsistency amount could be posted into a designated G/L Account.

  • Dirk Profile Picture
    Dirk on at
    RE: Rounding of amounts leads to inconsistency-error while posting. Advise needed.

    The question then is ... how have the data been created?

    If the message does not appear in an unchanged functionality where the user enters the data manually or by using standard code, but only if the RO is created with custom code then there might be some validations missing.

    If the message does appear in an unchanged functionality where the user enters the data manually or by using standard code, then please provide a repro scenario, create a service request and then we can have our developers look into the code.

  • Hannes Holst Profile Picture
    Hannes Holst 5,767 on at
    RE: Rounding of amounts leads to inconsistency-error while posting. Advise needed.

    DirkReeps Thanks. The out-of-the-box logic is OK. When I enter a Return Order with the same data manually, I don't have the inconsistency-error. So, the problem sits in the data.

  • Dirk Profile Picture
    Dirk on at
    RE: Rounding of amounts leads to inconsistency-error while posting. Advise needed.

    Hello Hannes,

    The inconsistency check is an important check.
    The BC code should take care about rounding.

    If this error message occurs in an unchanged standard functionality of BC then there is probably a bug in the code.
    Please contact Microsoft support and file a service request.


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