I knew this question would come up .
Need to create one chart on Appointment, which would weeks wise (grouping on week) fetch Appointment records(Open/Scheduled/Completed) on basis of status for below condition :
a. Status should only be considered Open when : Fetch all Appointment records where Status=Open/Scheduled for last 3 weeks on scheduledend date
b. Status should only be considered Scheduled when : Fetch all Appointment records where Status=Scheduled for Next 3 weeks on scheduledend date
c. Status should only be considered Completed when : Fetch Appointment Completed for last 3 weeks and Next 3 weeks on scheduledend date
I configured below fetch Xml , but not working . It is bringing all appointment records irrespective of conditions :
<name>Appointment by Status</name>
<fetch mapping="logical" aggregate="true">
<entity name="appointment">
<attribute groupby="true" alias="Weekgroup" dategrouping="week" name="scheduledend" />
<link-entity name="appointment" from="activityid" to="activityid" alias="aw" link-type="outer">
<attribute alias="Open" name="subject" aggregate="count" />
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="statecode" operator="in">
<condition attribute="scheduledend" operator="last-x-weeks" value="3" />
<link-entity name="appointment" from="activityid" to="activityid" alias="ar" link-type="outer">
<attribute alias="Scheduled" name="subject" aggregate="count" />
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="3" />
<condition attribute="scheduledend" operator="next-x-weeks" value="3" />
<link-entity name="appointment" from="activityid" to="activityid" alias="au" link-type="outer">
<attribute alias="Completed" name="subject" aggregate="count" />
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="1" />
<filter type="or">
<condition attribute="scheduledend" operator="last-x-weeks" value="3" />
<condition attribute="scheduledend" operator="next-x-weeks" value="3" />
<category alias="Weekgroup">
<measure alias="Open" />
<measure alias="Scheduled" />
<measure alias="Completed" />
<Chart Palette="None" PaletteCustomColors="55,118,193; 197,56,52; 149,189,66; 117,82,160; 68,114,196; 112,173,71; 37,94,145; 158,72,14; 117,55,125; 153,115,0; 38,68,120; 67,104,43; 124,175,221; 241,151,90; 186,144,192; 255,205,51; 105,142,208; 140,193,104; 50,125,194; 210,96,18; 150,83,159; 204,154,0; 51,90,161; 90,138,57;">
<Series ChartType="Stackedcolumn" LegendText="1-Open" Color="LightSteelBlue" IsValueShownAsLabel="True" Font="{0}, 9.5px" LabelForeColor="59, 59, 59" CustomProperties="PointWidth=0.75, MaxPixelPointWidth=40"></Series>
<Series ChartType="Stackedcolumn" LegendText="2-Scheduled" Color="CornflowerBlue" IsValueShownAsLabel="True" Font="{0}, 9.5px" LabelForeColor="59, 59, 59" CustomProperties="PointWidth=0.75, MaxPixelPointWidth=40"></Series>
<Series ChartType="Stackedcolumn" LegendText="3-Completed" Color="RoyalBlue" IsValueShownAsLabel="True" Font="{0}, 9.5px" LabelForeColor="59, 59, 59" CustomProperties="PointWidth=0.75, MaxPixelPointWidth=40"></Series>
<ChartArea BorderColor="White" BorderDashStyle="Solid">
<AxisY LabelAutoFitMinFontSize="8" TitleForeColor="59, 59, 59" TitleFont="{0}, 10.5px" LineColor="165, 172, 181" IntervalAutoMode="VariableCount">
<MajorGrid LineColor="239, 242, 246" />
<MajorTickMark LineColor="165, 172, 181" />
<LabelStyle Font="{0}, 10.5px" ForeColor="59, 59, 59" />
<AxisX LabelAutoFitMinFontSize="8" TitleForeColor="59, 59, 59" TitleFont="{0}, 10.5px" LineColor="165, 172, 181" IntervalAutoMode="VariableCount">
<MajorTickMark LineColor="165, 172, 181" />
<MajorGrid LineColor="Transparent" />
<LabelStyle Font="{0}, 10.5px" ForeColor="59, 59, 59" />
<Title Alignment="TopLeft" DockingOffset="-3" Font="{0}, 13px" ForeColor="59, 59, 59" />
<Legend Alignment="Center" LegendStyle="Table" Docking="right" IsEquallySpacedItems="True" LegendItemOrder="ReversedSeriesOrder" Font="{0}, 11px" ShadowColor="0, 0, 0, 0" ForeColor="59, 59, 59" />