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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Why does Dynamics 365 / CRM 2016 Not offer controls for web clients

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Does anyone know why MS does not offer the cool controls and features for web clients?

Applied 3154952 December 2016 update 2 v8.2.0000.0749 today and was extremely disappointed to find that MS has continued to not offer these features to traditional web clients.

Does anyone know why?

Has anyone seen any (clear) documentation from MS with any kind of a (CLEAR) roadmap that explains when, or IF they ever will provide access to these cool new features to web clients, that does not make assumptions that everyone wants to move to online?

Thank you.


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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Why does Dynamics 365 / CRM 2016 Not offer controls for web clients

    Hi Daniel,

    Did you find any work around for this i.e. a way to added custom controls for different type of fields in Web Client. I am using CRM 2016 v8.2 on-prem.



  • Suggested answer
    RE: Why does Dynamics 365 / CRM 2016 Not offer controls for web clients

    My .02: I disagree (to a point).  I am not a 'developer' but am probably a 'power user'.  I've worked with the product since 3.0, have rudimentary JS skills, and have personally designed, deployed and supported our 6 different deployments, as well as helped some of our customers (we are a partner - I am the CEO).  

    I previously had a CRM developer on staff and we were a Dynamics CRM partner (I held some of the role requirements) until it didn't make sense to maintain one, or that partner status, since we did not have much success selling the product in the 3 and 4 days.  

    That said, I know enough to know how to implement the controls, and use the SDK up to a point, but I am still the CEO of my company (an MSP) and that is my primary duty.  We are a small business and cannot justify paying up to $100-$200K for a 'developer' to do work, much that I can do myself, only to find that i have to recreate that wheel each time the product is upgraded and MS decides to make major architectural changes.   Granted, 4 to 2011 was the most painful but the deprecation of DOM support also caused headaches.

    For the things beyond my skillset, I subcontract.  But I still don't think that should mean that custom controls should be made available for everyone *BUT* web clients, which I'm pretty sure are the bulk of the installed user base, and I still do not understand what MS is thinking or what their strategy is on this issue because they've done a poor job of communicating this stuff publicly.  And if they have, that is, again, the whole point if this post and why I asked.

    I also disagree that customizing the product should be treated like some black art, only within reach of 'developers'.  MS wants to beat SalesForce and dominate the market and that means that they have to put the product's customization features within reach of more users - more than JUST developers.  They seem to be doing a much better job of that with their cloud offerings than their on-prem but the fact is, cloud is not the right solution for every deployment and the elephant in the room with cloud is last mile connectivity (aside from the fact that MS and others have proven that they cannot be trusted to protect customer data from the NSA, etc - but that's a different issue entirely).  MS needs to provide functionality for on-prem users that is on par with, or at least much closer to what they provide for cloud if they want to keep accelerating their adoption rates because it is a fact that not everyone is as enamored with cloud as MS is.

    My only hope and expectation is that MS provide functionality for on-prem that is on par with what they provide for their cloud offerings, and when they cannot, they make their plans much clearer than they do on these pages, which leave many questions unanswered:

  • Suggested answer
    M.T. Eikelenboom Profile Picture
    M.T. Eikelenboom 5,241 on at
    RE: Why does Dynamics 365 / CRM 2016 Not offer controls for web clients

    Please know, that if you are not a developer, the custom control will not help you out as well. These are also for developers. You might hope or expect that there will be 3rd party solutions.

  • RE: Why does Dynamics 365 / CRM 2016 Not offer controls for web clients

    You have that alternative if you are a coder with that ability.  I am not.

    And just because people have waited years for it doesn't make it OK.  I've been using CRM since 3.0 and if there is a good reason that MS *can* provide this functionality and they haven't, then they need to do a better job of *COMMUNICATING* it or you cannot blame people for getting frustrated because they're left in the dark and because the MS 'roadmap' does not clearly or directly address this issue.  

  • M.T. Eikelenboom Profile Picture
    M.T. Eikelenboom 5,241 on at
    RE: Why does Dynamics 365 / CRM 2016 Not offer controls for web clients

    People have waited years for an editable grid, so with that respect, this isn't very long.

    And you have the alternative to creating a web resource to solve your needs.

  • RE: Why does Dynamics 365 / CRM 2016 Not offer controls for web clients

    Thank you Martijn.  So MS is going to make us wait at least 6 more months.  WOW.

  • RE: Why does Dynamics 365 / CRM 2016 Not offer controls for web clients

    OK I reviewed it Alagu.  where does that address the question?

  • Verified answer
    M.T. Eikelenboom Profile Picture
    M.T. Eikelenboom 5,241 on at
    RE: Why does Dynamics 365 / CRM 2016 Not offer controls for web clients

    It's not on the roadmap, but this twitter message from ExtremCRM does provide some news on this. There will be a custom control framework.

  • Suggested answer
    Alagunellaikumar Profile Picture
    Alagunellaikumar 6,210 on at
    RE: Why does Dynamics 365 / CRM 2016 Not offer controls for web clients


    Please refer the road map URL below

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