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Salesperson Commission report vs Invoice Statistics report

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The salesperson commission report and the invoice statistics report are not showing the same number for the same invoices. It's one customer and one salesperson, the numbers don’t match – on the salesperson commission report profit is lower, while on invoice statistics the profit is higher. Also, on invoice statistic it doesn’t show the correct amount for cost of sales – for example Cost of sales for invoice PSI000975 was $4975.00 and on the salesperson, commission report its showing that cost of sales at $2719.67.
How can I find out where BC is grabbing this data from?
It's happening for several invoices for the same customer and salesperson.
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 77,925 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    Salesperson Commission report vs Invoice Statistics report
    Hi, this can only be seen from standard code. Recommended for developers to investigate.
    For example, 
    "Salesperson - Commission":
    namespace Microsoft.Sales.Reports;
    using Microsoft.CRM.Team;
    using Microsoft.Inventory.Costing;
    using Microsoft.Sales.Receivables;
    report 115 "Salesperson - Commission"
        DefaultLayout = RDLC;
        RDLCLayout = './Sales/Reports/SalespersonCommission.rdlc';
        ApplicationArea = Suite;
        Caption = 'Salesperson - Commission';
        UsageCategory = ReportsAndAnalysis;
            dataitem("Salesperson/Purchaser"; "Salesperson/Purchaser")
                DataItemTableView = sorting(Code);
                PrintOnlyIfDetail = true;
                RequestFilterFields = "Code";
                column(STRSUBSTNO_Text000_PeriodText_; StrSubstNo(PeriodTxt, PeriodText))
                column(COMPANYNAME; COMPANYPROPERTY.DisplayName())
                column(Salesperson_Purchaser__TABLECAPTION__________SalespersonFilter; TableCaption + ': ' + SalespersonFilter)
                column(SalespersonFilter; SalespersonFilter)
                column(Cust__Ledger_Entry__TABLECAPTION__________CustLedgEntryFilter; "Cust. Ledger Entry".TableCaption + ': ' + CustLedgEntryFilter)
                column(CustLedgEntryFilter; CustLedgEntryFilter)
                column(PageGroupNo; PageGroupNo)
                column(Salesperson_Purchaser_Code; Code)
                column(Salesperson_Purchaser_Name; Name)
                column(Salesperson_Purchaser__Commission___; "Commission %")
                column(Cust__Ledger_Entry___Sales__LCY__; "Cust. Ledger Entry"."Sales (LCY)")
                column(Cust__Ledger_Entry___Profit__LCY__; "Cust. Ledger Entry"."Profit (LCY)")
                column(SalesCommissionAmt; SalesCommissionAmt)
                    AutoFormatType = 1;
                column(ProfitCommissionAmt; ProfitCommissionAmt)
                    AutoFormatType = 1;
                column(AdjProfit; AdjProfit)
                    AutoFormatType = 1;
                column(AdjProfitCommissionAmt; AdjProfitCommissionAmt)
                    AutoFormatType = 1;
                column(Salesperson___CommissionCaption; Salesperson___CommissionCaptionLbl)
                column(CurrReport_PAGENOCaption; CurrReport_PAGENOCaptionLbl)
                column(All_amounts_are_in_LCYCaption; All_amounts_are_in_LCYCaptionLbl)
                column(Cust__Ledger_Entry__Posting_Date_Caption; Cust__Ledger_Entry__Posting_Date_CaptionLbl)
                column(Cust__Ledger_Entry__Document_No__Caption; "Cust. Ledger Entry".FieldCaption("Document No."))
                column(Cust__Ledger_Entry__Customer_No__Caption; "Cust. Ledger Entry".FieldCaption("Customer No."))
                column(Cust__Ledger_Entry__Sales__LCY__Caption; "Cust. Ledger Entry".FieldCaption("Sales (LCY)"))
                column(Cust__Ledger_Entry__Profit__LCY__Caption; "Cust. Ledger Entry".FieldCaption("Profit (LCY)"))
                column(SalesCommissionAmt_Control32Caption; SalesCommissionAmt_Control32CaptionLbl)
                column(ProfitCommissionAmt_Control33Caption; ProfitCommissionAmt_Control33CaptionLbl)
                column(AdjProfit_Control39Caption; AdjProfit_Control39CaptionLbl)
                column(AdjProfitCommissionAmt_Control45Caption; AdjProfitCommissionAmt_Control45CaptionLbl)
                column(Salesperson_Purchaser__Commission___Caption; FieldCaption("Commission %"))
                column(TotalCaption; TotalCaptionLbl)
                dataitem("Cust. Ledger Entry"; "Cust. Ledger Entry")
                    DataItemLink = "Salesperson Code" = field(Code);
                    DataItemTableView = sorting("Salesperson Code", "Posting Date") where("Document Type" = filter(Invoice | "Credit Memo"));
                    RequestFilterFields = "Posting Date";
                    column(Cust__Ledger_Entry__Posting_Date_; Format("Posting Date"))
                    column(Cust__Ledger_Entry__Document_No__; "Document No.")
                    column(Cust__Ledger_Entry__Customer_No__; "Customer No.")
                    column(Cust__Ledger_Entry__Sales__LCY__; "Sales (LCY)")
                    column(Cust__Ledger_Entry__Profit__LCY__; "Profit (LCY)")
                    column(SalesCommissionAmt_Control32; SalesCommissionAmt)
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                    column(ProfitCommissionAmt_Control33; ProfitCommissionAmt)
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                    column(AdjProfit_Control39; AdjProfit)
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                    column(AdjProfitCommissionAmt_Control45; AdjProfitCommissionAmt)
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                    column(Salesperson_Purchaser__Name; "Salesperson/Purchaser".Name)
                    trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
                        CostCalcMgt: Codeunit "Cost Calculation Management";
                        SalesCommissionAmt := Round("Sales (LCY)" * "Salesperson/Purchaser"."Commission %" / 100);
                        ProfitCommissionAmt := Round("Profit (LCY)" * "Salesperson/Purchaser"."Commission %" / 100);
                        AdjProfit := "Profit (LCY)" + CostCalcMgt.CalcCustLedgAdjmtCostLCY("Cust. Ledger Entry");
                        AdjProfitCommissionAmt := Round(AdjProfit * "Salesperson/Purchaser"."Commission %" / 100);
                    trigger OnPreDataItem()
                trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
                    if PrintOnlyOnePerPageReq then
                        PageGroupNo := PageGroupNo + 1;
                trigger OnPreDataItem()
                    PageGroupNo := 1;
            SaveValues = true;
                        Caption = 'Options';
                        field(PrintOnlyOnePerPage; PrintOnlyOnePerPageReq)
                            ApplicationArea = Suite;
                            Caption = 'New Page per Person';
                            ToolTip = 'Specifies if each person''s information is printed on a new page if you have chosen two or more persons to be included in the report.';
        trigger OnPreReport()
            SalespersonFilter := "Salesperson/Purchaser".GetFilters();
            CustLedgEntryFilter := "Cust. Ledger Entry".GetFilters();
            PeriodText := "Cust. Ledger Entry".GetFilter("Posting Date");
            PeriodTxt: Label 'Period: %1', Comment = '%1 - period text';
            SalespersonFilter: Text;
            CustLedgEntryFilter: Text;
            PeriodText: Text;
            AdjProfit: Decimal;
            ProfitCommissionAmt: Decimal;
            AdjProfitCommissionAmt: Decimal;
            SalesCommissionAmt: Decimal;
            PrintOnlyOnePerPageReq: Boolean;
            PageGroupNo: Integer;
            Salesperson___CommissionCaptionLbl: Label 'Salesperson - Commission';
            CurrReport_PAGENOCaptionLbl: Label 'Page';
            All_amounts_are_in_LCYCaptionLbl: Label 'All amounts are in LCY';
            Cust__Ledger_Entry__Posting_Date_CaptionLbl: Label 'Posting Date';
            SalesCommissionAmt_Control32CaptionLbl: Label 'Sales Commission (LCY)';
            ProfitCommissionAmt_Control33CaptionLbl: Label 'Profit Commission (LCY)';
            AdjProfit_Control39CaptionLbl: Label 'Adjusted Profit (LCY)';
            AdjProfitCommissionAmt_Control45CaptionLbl: Label 'Adjusted Profit Commission (LCY)';
            TotalCaptionLbl: Label 'Total';
        local procedure ClearAmounts()
    "Sales Invoice Statistics":
    namespace Microsoft.Sales.History;
    using Microsoft.Finance.Currency;
    using Microsoft.Finance.VAT.Calculation;
    using Microsoft.Inventory.Costing;
    using Microsoft.Sales.Customer;
    using Microsoft.Sales.Receivables;
    page 397 "Sales Invoice Statistics"
        Caption = 'Sales Invoice Statistics';
        Editable = false;
        LinksAllowed = false;
        PageType = ListPlus;
        SourceTable = "Sales Invoice Header";
                    Caption = 'General';
                    field("CustAmount + InvDiscAmount"; CustAmount + InvDiscAmount)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        AutoFormatExpression = Rec."Currency Code";
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                        Caption = 'Amount';
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the net amount of all the lines in the sales document.';
                    field(InvDiscAmount; InvDiscAmount)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        AutoFormatExpression = Rec."Currency Code";
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                        Caption = 'Inv. Discount Amount';
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the invoice discount amount for the sales document.';
                    field(CustAmount; CustAmount)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        AutoFormatExpression = Rec."Currency Code";
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                        Caption = 'Total';
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the total amount, less any invoice discount amount, and excluding VAT for the sales document.';
                    field(VATAmount; VATAmount)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        AutoFormatExpression = Rec."Currency Code";
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                        CaptionClass = '3,' + Format(VATAmountText);
                        Caption = 'VAT Amount';
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the total VAT amount that has been calculated for all the lines in the sales document.';
                    field(AmountInclVAT; AmountInclVAT)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        AutoFormatExpression = Rec."Currency Code";
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                        Caption = 'Total Incl. VAT';
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the total amount, including VAT, that will be posted to the customer''s account for all the lines in the sales document.';
                    field(AmountLCY; AmountLCY)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                        Caption = 'Sales (LCY)';
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies your total sales turnover in the fiscal year.';
                    field(ProfitLCY; ProfitLCY)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                        Caption = 'Original Profit (LCY)';
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the original profit that was associated with the sales when they were originally posted.';
                    field(AdjustedProfitLCY; AdjProfitLCY)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                        Caption = 'Adjusted Profit (LCY)';
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the profit, taking into consideration changes in the purchase prices of the goods.';
                    field(ProfitPct; ProfitPct)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Original Profit %';
                        DecimalPlaces = 1 : 1;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the original percentage of profit that was associated with the sales when they were originally posted.';
                    field(AdjProfitPct; AdjProfitPct)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Adjusted Profit %';
                        DecimalPlaces = 1 : 1;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the percentage of profit for all sales, including changes that occurred in the purchase prices of the goods.';
                    field(LineQty; LineQty)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Quantity';
                        DecimalPlaces = 0 : 5;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the total quantity of G/L account entries, items and/or resources in the sales document.';
                    field(TotalParcels; TotalParcels)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Parcels';
                        DecimalPlaces = 0 : 5;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the total number of parcels in the sales document.';
                    field(TotalNetWeight; TotalNetWeight)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Net Weight';
                        DecimalPlaces = 0 : 5;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the total net weight of the items in the sales document.';
                    field(TotalGrossWeight; TotalGrossWeight)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Gross Weight';
                        DecimalPlaces = 0 : 5;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the total gross weight of the items in the sales document.';
                    field(TotalVolume; TotalVolume)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Volume';
                        DecimalPlaces = 0 : 5;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the total volume of the items in the sales document.';
                    field(CostLCY; CostLCY)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                        Caption = 'Original Cost (LCY)';
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the total cost, in LCY, of the G/L account entries, items and/or resources in the sales document.';
                    field(AdjustedCostLCY; TotalAdjCostLCY)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                        Caption = 'Adjusted Cost (LCY)';
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the total cost, in LCY, of the items in the posted sales invoice, adjusted for any changes in the original costs of these items.';
                    field("TotalAdjCostLCY - CostLCY"; TotalAdjCostLCY - CostLCY)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                        Caption = 'Cost Adjmt. Amount (LCY)';
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the difference between the original cost and the total adjusted cost of the items in the posted sales invoice.';
                        trigger OnLookup(var Text: Text): Boolean
                part(Subform; "VAT Specification Subform")
                    ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                    Editable = false;
                    Caption = 'Customer';
    #pragma warning disable AA0100
                    field("Cust.""Balance (LCY)"""; Cust."Balance (LCY)")
    #pragma warning restore AA0100
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                        Caption = 'Balance (LCY)';
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the balance in LCY on the customer''s account.';
    #pragma warning disable AA0100
                    field("Cust.""Credit Limit (LCY)"""; Cust."Credit Limit (LCY)")
    #pragma warning restore AA0100
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        AutoFormatType = 1;
                        Caption = 'Credit Limit (LCY)';
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies information about the credit limit in LCY, for the customer who you created and posted this sales invoice for. ';
                    field(CreditLimitLCYExpendedPct; CreditLimitLCYExpendedPct)
                        ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
                        Caption = 'Expended % of Credit Limit (LCY)';
                        ExtendedDatatype = Ratio;
                        ToolTip = 'Specifies the expended percentage of the credit limit in (LCY).';
        trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
            CustLedgEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry";
            Currency.Initialize(Rec."Currency Code");
            VATAmount := AmountInclVAT - CustAmount;
            InvDiscAmount := Round(InvDiscAmount, Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
            if VATPercentage <= 0 then
                VATAmountText := Text000
                VATAmountText := StrSubstNo(Text001, VATPercentage);
            if Rec."Currency Code" = '' then
                AmountLCY := CustAmount
                AmountLCY :=
                    WorkDate(), Rec."Currency Code", CustAmount, Rec."Currency Factor");
            CustLedgEntry.SetCurrentKey("Document No.");
            CustLedgEntry.SetRange("Document No.", Rec."No.");
            CustLedgEntry.SetRange("Document Type", CustLedgEntry."Document Type"::Invoice);
            CustLedgEntry.SetRange("Customer No.", Rec."Bill-to Customer No.");
            if not CustLedgEntry.IsEmpty() then begin
                CustLedgEntry.CalcSums("Sales (LCY)");
                AmountLCY := CustLedgEntry."Sales (LCY)";
            ProfitLCY := AmountLCY - CostLCY;
            if AmountLCY <> 0 then
                ProfitPct := Round(100 * ProfitLCY / AmountLCY, 0.1);
            AdjProfitLCY := AmountLCY - TotalAdjCostLCY;
            OnAfterGetRecordOnAfterCalculateAdjProfitLCY(Rec, AdjProfitLCY);
            if AmountLCY <> 0 then
                AdjProfitPct := Round(100 * AdjProfitLCY / AmountLCY, 0.1);
            if Cust.Get(Rec."Bill-to Customer No.") then
                Cust.CalcFields("Balance (LCY)")
            case true of
                Cust."Credit Limit (LCY)" = 0:
                    CreditLimitLCYExpendedPct := 0;
                Cust."Balance (LCY)" / Cust."Credit Limit (LCY)" < 0:
                    CreditLimitLCYExpendedPct := 0;
                Cust."Balance (LCY)" / Cust."Credit Limit (LCY)" > 1:
                    CreditLimitLCYExpendedPct := 10000;
                    CreditLimitLCYExpendedPct := Round(Cust."Balance (LCY)" / Cust."Credit Limit (LCY)" * 10000, 1);
            SalesInvLine.CalcVATAmountLines(Rec, TempVATAmountLine);
            CurrPage.Subform.PAGE.InitGlobals(Rec."Currency Code", false, false, false, false, Rec."VAT Base Discount %");
            CurrExchRate: Record "Currency Exchange Rate";
            Cust: Record Customer;
            TempVATAmountLine: Record "VAT Amount Line" temporary;
            TotalAdjCostLCY: Decimal;
            VATAmount: Decimal;
            ProfitLCY: Decimal;
            ProfitPct: Decimal;
            AdjProfitLCY: Decimal;
            AdjProfitPct: Decimal;
            LineQty: Decimal;
            TotalNetWeight: Decimal;
            TotalGrossWeight: Decimal;
            TotalVolume: Decimal;
            TotalParcels: Decimal;
            CreditLimitLCYExpendedPct: Decimal;
            VATPercentage: Decimal;
            VATAmountText: Text[30];
            Text000: Label 'VAT Amount';
            Text001: Label '%1% VAT';
        protected var
            Currency: Record Currency;
            SalesInvLine: Record "Sales Invoice Line";
            AmountInclVAT: Decimal;
            AmountLCY: Decimal;
            CostLCY: Decimal;
            CustAmount: Decimal;
            InvDiscAmount: Decimal;
        local procedure CalculateTotals()
            CostCalcMgt: Codeunit "Cost Calculation Management";
            IsHandled: Boolean;
            IsHandled := false;
                Rec, CustAmount, AmountInclVAT, InvDiscAmount, CostLCY, TotalAdjCostLCY,
                LineQty, TotalNetWeight, TotalGrossWeight, TotalVolume, TotalParcels, IsHandled, VATpercentage);
            if IsHandled then
            SalesInvLine.SetRange("Document No.", Rec."No.");
            OnCalculateTotalsOnAfterSalesInvLineSetFilters(SalesInvLine, Rec);
            if SalesInvLine.Find('-') then
                    CustAmount += SalesInvLine.Amount;
                    AmountInclVAT += SalesInvLine."Amount Including VAT";
                    if Rec."Prices Including VAT" then
                        InvDiscAmount += SalesInvLine."Inv. Discount Amount" / (1 + SalesInvLine."VAT %" / 100)
                        InvDiscAmount += SalesInvLine."Inv. Discount Amount";
                    CostLCY += SalesInvLine.Quantity * SalesInvLine."Unit Cost (LCY)";
                    LineQty += SalesInvLine.Quantity;
                    TotalNetWeight += SalesInvLine.Quantity * SalesInvLine."Net Weight";
                    TotalGrossWeight += SalesInvLine.Quantity * SalesInvLine."Gross Weight";
                    TotalVolume += SalesInvLine.Quantity * SalesInvLine."Unit Volume";
                    if SalesInvLine."Units per Parcel" > 0 then
                        TotalParcels += Round(SalesInvLine.Quantity / SalesInvLine."Units per Parcel", 1, '>');
                    if SalesInvLine."VAT %" <> VATPercentage then
                        if VATPercentage = 0 then
                            VATPercentage := SalesInvLine."VAT %"
                            VATPercentage := -1;
                    TotalAdjCostLCY +=
                      CostCalcMgt.CalcSalesInvLineCostLCY(SalesInvLine) + CostCalcMgt.CalcSalesInvLineNonInvtblCostAmt(SalesInvLine);
                        SalesInvLine, CustAmount, AmountInclVAT, InvDiscAmount, CostLCY, TotalAdjCostLCY,
                        LineQty, TotalNetWeight, TotalGrossWeight, TotalVolume, TotalParcels, Rec)
                until SalesInvLine.Next() = 0;
        [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
        local procedure OnAfterGetRecordOnAfterCalculateAdjProfitLCY(SalesInvoiceHeader: Record "Sales Invoice Header"; var AdjProfitLCY: Decimal)
        [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
        local procedure OnBeforeCalculateTotals(SalesInvoiceHeader: Record "Sales Invoice Header"; var CustAmount: Decimal; var AmountInclVAT: Decimal; var InvDiscAmount: Decimal; var CostLCY: Decimal; var TotalAdjCostLCY: Decimal; var LineQty: Decimal; var TotalNetWeight: Decimal; var TotalGrossWeight: Decimal; var TotalVolume: Decimal; var TotalParcels: Decimal; var IsHandled: Boolean; var VATPercentage: Decimal)
        [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
        local procedure OnCalculateTotalsOnAfterSalesInvLineSetFilters(var SalesInvoiceLine: Record "Sales Invoice Line"; SalesInvoiceHeader: Record "Sales Invoice Header")
        [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
        local procedure OnCalculateTotalsOnAfterAddLineTotals(var SalesInvLine: Record "Sales Invoice Line"; var CustAmount: Decimal; var AmountInclVAT: Decimal; var InvDiscAmount: Decimal; var CostLCY: Decimal; var TotalAdjCostLCY: Decimal; var LineQty: Decimal; var TotalNetWeight: Decimal; var TotalGrossWeight: Decimal; var TotalVolume: Decimal; var TotalParcels: Decimal; SalesInvoiceHeader: Record "Sales Invoice Header")

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