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Virtual table on SQL View

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I should create a new virtual table, from a view on my sql server on prem.
I've created a new view on my Sql Server, with a column that contain a GUID.
So, I start to create a new virtual table, choose a correct sql server and relative view, but when the procedure start to read the columns, appear an error that indicate "No primary key on table" and i cannot create a virtual table.

There is something particolar that I must do for create a virtual table from a SQL View?

Thanks in advance

  • Virtual table on SQL View
    It looks like this is an on-going issue.
    I have implemented this same scenario and it's still not working for views.
    I even tried to trick the system by converting my view into a table, used the table to build the virtual table in Dynamics then went to my sql database and made the table into a view with the same field names and metadata.
    Nothing works.
  • Virtual table on SQL View
    Hello GianlucaN,
    I'm also facing the same issue, can you please share the solution details if you have.
    Thanks in advance!
  • GianlucaN Profile Picture
    GianlucaN 4 on at
    RE: Virtual table on SQL View


    I've already create a virtual table on Dataverse, but based on SQL table.

    With SQL Table, I found correctly a key for association for my Virtual table.

    But with SQL View the procedure not found a Key to associate, and the field remain uneditable.

    In my Sql View there are 5 column and 1 GUID Column.

    Thanks in advance

  • Suggested answer
    Bipin D365 Profile Picture
    Bipin D365 28,959 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Virtual table on SQL View


    Creating any Virtual/Custom table requires two fields minimum

    1. Unique identifier - Guid field

    2. Name - Primary key

    Make sure you add one column apart from PK field in SQL view

  • GianlucaN Profile Picture
    GianlucaN 4 on at
    RE: Virtual table on SQL View


    Thanks for the reply.

    I've not a problem to create a new virtual table from a SQL Table.

    If I create a virtual table from a SQL Table everythings works fine.

    My problem is create a virtual table from a SQL View.

    When I try to create a Virtual table and select SQL view like source, the procedure not find a Primary Key even if there is a Guid for each record in the view.

    Any suggestions?


  • Suggested answer
    Eiken Profile Picture
    Eiken on at
    RE: Virtual table on SQL View


    Please refer to the following video

    Create a Virtual Table for SQL with the Virtual Connector Provider - YouTube

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