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Create a view that shows cases that were both created and resolved in the same month

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I need to create a view that will show cases for a customer that are either:
1) Active   OR
2) Were resolved/closed during the month.
The only way I can find to filter based on the resolved date is using the Resolution Date field on the Case Resolution Entity, but then I can't combine the two filters to make an OR group (as shown below) because you cannot group fields from different entities.
I don't want to use the modified date as the resolution date (which is usually what is suggested as a solution) because I've found that when certain updates/workflows are triggered in our system, it can change the modified date even on resolved records.  Therefore, it is not an accurate representation of the resolution date.
The only other solution I can think of is to create a report, which most of our users don't know how to do.
Please tell me I'm overlooking something or what other solutions are available?
  • AngelaR Profile Picture
    AngelaR 4 on at
    Create a view that shows cases that were both created and resolved in the same month
    Thanks Leah - 
    That will work for me, but doesn't help the average user who wants to create their own views.
    It is ridiculous that Microsoft makes it so difficult to get data based on Case Resolution Dates.  That seems like an obvious data point to me.  
  • Verified answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Create a view that shows cases that were both created and resolved in the same month
    Hi Partner,
    If you want to use 'OR' aggregation on the view, you need use FetchXML Builder tool in the Xrmtoolbox to build view easily:
    Please refer to the following link:

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